“Contend, O Lord, with those who contend with me; fight against those who fight against me. Take up shield and buckler; arise and come to my aid. Brandish spear and javelin against those who pursue me. Say to my soul, “I am your salvation.””Psalm 35:1–3

That was a prayer of David in a time of deep distress, a time when he felt himself surrounded by enemies pressing in against him and he saw no way to keep them out.


So He cried out to the Lord and said, “Lord, take Your stand against my enemies. Take up Your mighty spiritual weapons and block the way against them.”

The great conclusive answer to that prayer of David came through David’s greater son, the Lord Jesus Christ, about a thousand years later.


On the cross, Jesus did just that.

  • He blocked the way against all the enemies of our soul.
  • He stopped the way.
  • He put an end to Satan’s claims.
  • He set a limit to Satan’s territory.
  • He created a boundary that Satan cannot pass over.

Remember this: the cross is God’s great stop sign.
The devil may be moving in against us at full speed, but when we put up the cross, he slams on his brakes and comes to a screeching halt because he cannot pass the cross. That’s where Jesus stopped the way against all our enemies.     Now that is victory!  SEE 1 JOHN 4:4
Eph. 6:11 Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil.


2 Corinthians 10:3 We are human, but we don’t wage war as humans do. 4 We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments.


God will come to my rescue against my enemies.  But David also spoke to God about praying for his enemies.


*I will put faith in God regarding the evil powers of this world. I know that HE will protect me and my family.

*I will also pray for my enemies.

Lord thank you for this glorious day of your protection. Thank you for your unfailing love and your mercy never seize.   Again thank you and we love you. We bring back all the honor and glory through the beautiful name of Jesus Christ. Amen