Who is called to be a minister? According to these verses below, we are all called to be ministers.

Matthew 28:19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

I am persuaded that many of our goals and dreams fail simply because we place limitations upon ourselves. This is true for the church as well—Christ’s command to share the gospeL.

Jesus gave us the vision to tell all nations about His salvation, and as His followers, we should make this our aim.

Many Christians, however, are not working to fulfill this “Great Commission”—at least not fervently and purposefully.

Often, what holds us back are the “Boundaries” we place upon ourselves.


“Fear is one of the biggest self-erected barriers to success.

*For instance, if evangelizing means traveling overseas, lack of safety might worry us.
*We may also feel concern about how family and friends will react to our decision and whether people will react negatively to our message.


Another hindrance might be conditional obediencethat is, a willingness to serve as long as God keeps us in a particular location or has us minister in a country where we don’t have to learn a new language.


There are many barriers that can keep us from sharing the gospel. *But when we’re willing to tear those down, we’ll be amazed at what God can accomplish through us.

Are you passionately sharing the gospel?
*If not, identify the obstruction that stands in your way, and pray.

*Refocus by reading the Word and remembering the mission that Jesus gave you.
*God’s love covers the whole world, and He therefore intends that everyone hear the good news.

* We are to share the good news of the Gospel. We are to speak about Christ giving up His life on the cross as redemption of our sins.
*We are to let others know about the grace, love, and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. Without it we would be hopeless. With It we can do all things.
Release yourself from the thoughts, worries, fears and concerns that keep you  earthbound.
For, you must rise above all that keeps you from absolute  faith in the Lord.  We cannot operate in the realm of faith and  be in fear at the same time.
Pay attention to your thoughts and make the  necessary adjustments to demonstrate faith.

2 Corinthians 10:5 casting  down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of  God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.
God, I ask You to help me proclaim boldly what You have taught me in Your Word.  I pray for the strength to rest in Jesus to overcome my shortcomings. I need hope that God really will keep working in me and change my heart daily and give You Lord all the Glory. Amen