Devotions - Prayer

Letting Go of Past And Start New!

By Bob / February 3, 2024

Today’s opportunities erase yesterday’s failures. –Gene Brown

Around the country are houses for rehabilitation, also called “halfway houses,” where men and women who have fallen on hard times–incarceration, addiction, mental illness–have the opportunity to get a fresh start.

In these homes they learn, some for the first time, the skills that will help them function well as they reenter society–filling out a job application, opening a bank account, shopping for groceries on a budget, and so forth. Every day these men and women face a choice:

  • They can look backward, allowing their past to determine their identity,
  • or they can imagine a brighter future moving forward for themselves.
  • Which ones succeed?
  • Which ones realize the destiny God has planned for them?

Those of us facing obstacles of our own have the same choice and challenge every day. Like the Bible character Ruth, we can choose to let go of the past and start the future in a new land (Ruth 1:16).

Ruth was a woman of excellence because she wasn’t held hostage to her past.

We can learn from yesterday, but we aren’t to live in it.

The devil would love for us to stay stuck in the past. He wouldn’t even mind if, dreaming of an unrealistic future, we slacked off on what God has for us today. Each day we have the choice to embrace the future God has prepared for us.

How have you been tempted to allow an experience from the past, or a difficult season in your life, define who you are?

Living in the past or in the future means we’re not really living in the present at all. How can a clear vision of the future impact your living today?

God, I believe Your mercies are new every morning. I release yesterday to You, and I purpose to live today as the kingdom Person You’ve made me to be.  Let me exalt You for any success and share with you any disappointments.  Guide me to reflect on this glorious day with fond remembrance and look forward to another.   Amen.


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Experience Forgiveness

By Bob / January 20, 2024

Psalms 139:

1 O Lord, you have examined my heart
    and know everything about me.

7 I can never escape from your Spirit!
    I can never get away from your presence!

16 You saw me before I was born.
    Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out
    before a single day had passed.

23 Search me, O God, and know my heart;
    test me and know my anxious thoughts.
24 Point out anything in me that offends you,
    and lead me along the path of everlasting life.

Ruth Bell Graham once said, “A great marriage is the union of two forgivers.

When you forgive your spouse, you are ultimately saying to them, “I choose to give up the right to punish you for how you have hurt me.”

When we forgive another person, it doesn’t mean we forget. And it doesn’t brush it away and pretend that it didn’t happen.

Forgiveness says, “I refuse to dwell on my anger and hurt.” It is an essential step to healing and restoring oneness.

Christ’s death on the cross—His forgiveness—restored our relationship to God. Trust that God can use your forgiveness to restore your relationship and change you both for the better.

Here are 4 steps that will help you express and experience forgiveness:

  1. Do it privately: Go to God in prayer and say, “God, I forgive _________ for hurting me. I choose to give up the right to punish __________.”
  2. Do it publicly and specifically: Go to the person and be specific, “I forgive you for ________.”
  3. Do it graciously: Keep the bigger goal in mind, which is restoring your relationship and rebuilding trust. That means giving up your right to punish!
  4. Do it generously: Acknowledge your own failings to maintain balance; not one of us is perfect! And once you’ve forgiven, refuse to bring up the matter again in a hurtful way.

Forgiveness gives us the opportunity to re-establish our relationship and make things right with our spouse or a family member.

It removes the issue that creates isolation in a relationship and empowers us to grow in oneness.

10 Keys to Forgiveness:(Emmett I. Aldrich)

1)      Let Go of the Anger

2)      Don’t be Stubborn

3)      Stop Thinking of yourself as a Victim

4)      Focus on the Future

5)      Re-Learn to Trust

6)      Be Reasonable in your expectations of Others

7)      Expect that it will take time to Forgive

8)      Examine your Heart

9)      Let Forgiveness become an Everyday Practice

10) Ask God for Guidance

Lord, Help me see and experience forgiveness in my life, knowing You are the God of restoration.  Help me be patient, knowing Your timing is Perfect!

Help us dear God to put aside resentment, hurt, hostility and bitterness so that we may have reconciliation with those who have offended us, and whom we have offended. Amen



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By Bob / January 17, 2024

Christ is actively working within you to shape your character and empower your obedience.

John 15:26 “But I will send you the Advocate—the Spirit of truth. He will come to you from the Father and will testify all about me.

We need to leave our failures behind and he keep moving forward.

Two wonderful absolutes.

1. The first absolute: GOD REALLY LOVES ME.
*God is not in the business of condemning His children, failures or not. He is a loving Father, wanting only to lift us out of our weaknesses.
*Sometimes we recognize His great love only when we hit bottom. You will have won a great victory if you can be convinced God loves you even in your wounded, crippled condition.
*Our strength is renewed by His everlasting love.
*Just rest in that wonderful love. Don’t panic. Deliverance will come.


“Without faith, it is impossible to please him” (Hebrews 11:6).
*God counts our trust as righteousness.  “Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness”. (Romans 4:3).

I may not understand why He sometimes seems to take a long time to intervene, but I know He will keep His word to me.

*God is not in the business of condemning His children, failures or not. He is a loving Father, wanting only to lift us out of our weaknesses.(Read Romans 8).
*Sometimes we recognize His great love only when we hit bottom. You will have won a great victory if you can be convinced God loves you even in your wounded, crippled condition.
*Our strength is renewed by His everlasting love.
*Just rest in that wonderful love. Don’t panic. Deliverance will come.

*When Adam sinned, he tried to hide from God.
*When Jonah refused to preach to Nineveh, his fear drove him into the ocean to flee from the presence of the Lord.
*When Peter denied Christ, he was afraid to face Him.

God has shown us a truth: Something much worse than failure is the fear that goes with it.
**Adam, Jonah and Peter ran away from God not because they had lost their love for Him, but because they were afraid He was too angry with them to understand.
Satan uses such fear to make people think there is no use trying.
Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Jesus,  Help me see your Character in people as well as myself—-Knowing we all are Your Masterpieces.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen

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We are all a Testimony

By Bob / January 16, 2024

When the Lord finished speaking to Moses on Mount Sinai, He gave him the two tablets of the Testimony, the tablets of stone inscribed by the finger of God. – Exodus 31:18

Throughout the Bible, the word testimony is used in many ways. Testimony comes from the Hebrew word eduwth, which means “witness.

The Ark of the Covenant contained the Ten Commandments, written and inscribed personally by God and given to Moses on Mount Sinai. These became known as the testimony. The ark was a divinely inspired structure that was to be used as a witness to the people of Israel and the whole world of God’s power and majesty.

These divinely created tablets were a witness of God’s activity on earth with man.

Throughout the Bible, God looked to create testimonies with His people.

-At the Red Sea, He created a testimony through Moses.
-God created a testimony through Joshua when He parted the Jordan River and allowed the people with the Ark to cross on dry land.
-When Lazarus lay dead for days, Jesus came and created a testimony of His ability to raise the dead.


Jesus is still looking for those who are willing to have a testimony created through their lives. One of the major characteristics of a God-ordained testimony is for something to happen that cannot be explained in the natural.
In other words, if you can make it happen through your abilities, it is not a testimony about God, but about you.
God wants to create a testimony in every aspect of your life – your family, your work, your church, and in your community.  He is waiting to put His finger on your next endeavor to reveal His power through your life.
Look carefully at the events where God might want to create a testimony out of an impossible situation.
He delights in using His children for this purpose because it brings Him glory.
I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead. Philippians 3:10-11 – Acts 21:11-12 Amen

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By Bob / January 11, 2024

1 Thess. 4: 7 God has called us to live holy lives, not impure lives.
*One must understand that sex is good under the covenant of marriage.


Live holy lives not impure lives.  To Reject living holy– means rejecting God.
*God gave us his Holy Spirit and the power through His Spirit so believers can live holy lives.
2 Timothy 2:22 Run from anything that stimulates youthful lusts. Instead, pursue righteous living, faithfulness, love, and peace. Enjoy the companionship of those who call on the Lord with pure hearts.

*You once lived a life you don’t want to go back too. You accepted Jesus, the Lord almighty, as your Savior. Don’t go back too your old ways.  (see Eph. 2;1-10)


MOVE FORWARD–— Jesus put your sin to death and you are to keep your sin at death.


Our purity will determine the extent to which God will use us and demonstrate His power in us.
Those who truly love God will seek to obey him, which is really what purity is.
Holiness is not the absence of sin, but the presence of God in your life.

*If we are slaves to sin, we will never be free. Jesus’ standard is the one to live up to.
John 8:31 Jesus said to the people who believed in him, “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. 32 And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

We must proclaim God’s holiness on earth, just as it is proclaimed in heaven.
The Enemy Will Cause You To Believe That Holiness Is Too Restrictive.. That Doing Things His Way Will Be More Fun.
•Holiness is a way of you saying “God I love you”
•Holiness is not the absence of sin, but the presence of God in your life.
***Holiness Is A Choice, Your Choice
•True holiness is not marked by what we don’t do, but by what we do.
•If we do not have a balanced look at holiness, we will end up with a lot of baggage.
Col. 3:5 So put to death the sinful, earthly things lurking within you. Have nothing to do with sexual immorality, impurity, lust, and evil desires. Don’t be greedy, for a greedy person is an idolater, worshiping the things of this world. 6 Because of these sins, the anger of God is coming.

God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.” (John Piper)
Father, I choose right now to reject an impure life and ask by faith that the Holy Spirit would take control of my life so I would honor you as holy before all men. Thank You for all your gifts. In Jesus name – Amen

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A Heavenly Perspective

By Bob / January 7, 2024

This world is not our home. In Christ, we are destined for the Heaven of GOD.

Col. 3:2 Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth. 3 For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God.
Hebrews 13:14 For this world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come.

Hold lightly to the things of this world that are temporary, saints of GOD, and grip tightly the things of GOD that will last forever in His EternalKingdom.

Let your heart and mind be  focused on eternal reality instead of allowing your current situation and  circumstances to sap your strength and vitality.  Yield to this mighty work  of redemption.

Ephesians 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the  Lord and in the power of  His might.

You may be wondering, “Lord, why is my job so upsetting to me? Why do I always feel like an outsider? What’s wrong with me?”

There is nothing wrong with you. God is at work!
*He is keeping you sick and tired of this dying world.
*He is saying, “You can’t get too involved in ‘making it’ here because it is all going up in smoke.
Set your affections on things above— on the new world that is coming.”

You answer, “But what a waste. I’m so full of energy. I have talent, ideas, a sharp mind, a desire to accomplish much. Yet I feel stifled, stymied. It’s so

I have good news for you: When it all ends and your scoffing friends are cut off—their work melted to nothing, their careers dissolved, their money
burned—your work is just about to begin.

God has everything under control.

You see, heaven is not a retirement center. Rather, our eternal home is a place of great action, full of new horizons and incredible plans.
God is going to fully use ALL your gifts, talents and desires there.
*God is not going to waste a thing He has given you.
*On the contrary, your gifts will be magnified many times over.
God is going to use you for His glory in eternity!

What a relief my heart experiences as I stop looking to others to fill me and find Jesus as my constant, day after day, contentment.

Take time today to go to Him and ask Him to fill up the empty places and refresh the areas of your heart that are dry.
Jesus is The One and only who can fill and complete us.

“God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him.”

Lord, help me to recognize You are The One my heart is looking for. Each and every day, teach me to look to You to fill the love gap in my heart. Thank You Jesus for Eternity being with You! Amen


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By Bob / January 3, 2024

Ever Felt like you are not GOOD-ENOUGH for God?

Never feel embarrassed to tell him how bad you have sinned .

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9

*God’s forgiveness is complete, entire, whole, immediate.

When you don’t come to God to be forgiven, it is as if you refuse to listen to Him.
By not hearing God, you separate yourself from Him.

Psalm 32:5, “I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, ‘I will confess my transgressions to the Lord’ — and you forgave the guilt of my sin.”
*When you ask for forgiveness, God forgives you.  It is as if  He removes the earplugs from your ears, and you can hear Him again.

I’ve been told for years that when I forgive myself I’ll be free.

1 John 1:9 offers a promise. When we hold up our sin before God, He is faithful and just to forgive ALL our sins.

Faithful to us? Yes, to us. But also faithful to who He is, and His plan for our forgiveness through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross as JESUS bore OUR sin.

But it doesn’t end there. You see, when we are forgiven, our sin is re-framed.
*Yes it still happened.
*But God removes it from us as far as the east is from the west.
Psalm 103:12  He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west. 13 The LORD is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him.

Perhaps you carry shame, guilt or fear. You’ve been trying to forgive yourself, but realize you can’t undo the past.
You’ve said you’re sorry. You have changed. But the guilt or burden remains.
Hand that shame to your Savior today, and allow Him to hurl it as far as the east is from the west.

It’s not your burden to carry any longer.

Romans 8:1 So now there is NO condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. 2 And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death.

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Healing from Your Past

By Bob / December 12, 2023

You cannot have lasting joy if your heart is not healed.

Have you put away the Old Person and are you living fully as a NEW person in Christ?
Colossians 3:3 Your old life is dead. Your new life, which is your real life-even though invisible to spectators-is with Christ in God. He is your life. 

Our PAST is JUST our testimony and nothing more. In God we are NEW, we are walking as the inner man (Holy Spirit) and no longer by flesh.

Eph. 2:10 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

“And after the whole nation had been circumcised, they remained where they were in camp until they were healed.” – Joshua 5:8


God requires each of us to be circumcised in heart( Paul’s words in Romans 2:29 and 1 Corinthians 5:7-8 – ‘real circumcision is a matter of the heart’) before we are allowed to enter and receive the blessings that await each believer in the Promised Land.

This circumcision can often be very painful.
*Circumcision requires losing our OLD way of life.
*The process of spiritual circumcision may mean a loss in areas that have been a part of our lives in order to DRAW us to the Savior and away from self.
****God understands this. Consequently, like the people of Israel, we must WAIT until WE ARE Healed from the past before we begin to be effective in our calling.

Loving God the way He wants us to love Him is not an emotion or feeling. It simply means Choosing to set “self” aside in ALL areas-not some!

Hebrews 5: 8 Though he was God’s Son, he learned trusting-obedience by what he suffered, just as we do.

John 12: 24 “Listen carefully: Unless a grain of wheat is buried in the ground, dead to the world, it is never any more than a grain of wheat. But if it is buried, it sprouts and reproduces itself many times over.

Dear Lord, I’ve sinned and I let it distance me from You. My faith is not about my strength, but living in Your love and strength. Restore the joy of my salvation. Fill me up with Your love. Cleanse my heart and draw me close as I reach for You. Heal me Daily Lord to better serve You.  Oh how Great to Live a life with You Lord within me, then living in the World without You.  Thank You for your unconditional  Love!!!  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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Shame No Longer Has Me

By Bob / December 11, 2023

“Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.” Psalm 34:5
 Perhaps the simplest way to understand shame is to think back on a moment when you experienced it.
You may have felt embarrassment, discomfort or self-consciousness.

Shame can also express itself in much weightier emotions, like when we feel humiliated, inadequate, injured or abused.
So many people live under the weight of shame without realizing it because we’ve been conditioned by culture and life experience to accept that feeling as normal.

Shame is simply always there; it’s that familiar yet profound feeling that we don’t measure up.
• Maybe you regularly view life through the lens of other people’s expectations (real or imagined), and you’re beginning to buckle under the pressure.
• Perhaps a friend betrayed you, one of your parents was emotionally or physically absent, or your loved one has a secret addiction, and you think it’s all somehow your fault.
• Maybe you’re stressed about your children and how you handle things at home.
The voice in your head says, I’m not a very good mothe/fatherr. Maybe you feel like a failure because life got hard, and now your dreams seem out of reach, or you just don’t know who you are anymore.
Maybe you go through life with ever-present feelings of inadequacy; you worry what other people would think if they knew the real you. Shame lurks in all of these things.
In spite of the overwhelming nature of shame, there is good news. The promise of Scripture is that when we look to God, He transforms our shame into something beautiful — a sparkling, splendorous joy.
It may take time, and there may always be moments in life when we experience shame, but when our identity is centered in Christ not only knowing who we are in Christ, but knowing who He is in us — we can discard the dark covering of shame and rise in radiance. In other words, we may have shame, but in Jesus, shame no longer has us.
Whether you’re simply having a “not enough” moment, or you’ve been hiding in shame for years, have hope. You can overcome shame, because your Overcomer(Jesus at the Cross) already has for YOU!

1 Peter 2:6, “For in Scripture it says: ‘See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame.’”
Dear heavenly Father, I praise You because You not only remove my shame, You faithfully transform it into something beautiful and new. And while I don’t fully understand it, I know You have the power to help me overcome shame because You’ve already done so on the cross. Open my heart to experience Your love and mercy. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Spiritual Warfare Verses: John 12:31, 1 Corinthians 15:55-57,

1 John 4:4, Ephesians 6:1-16, Philippians 3:10 and 1 John 5:4.

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By Bob / December 9, 2023

“But everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.” – Matthew 7:26

A wise man:
* Hears and pays attention to Gods word.
* He yields his heart to the instruction of other believers.
* He speaks Gods word to others and has conversations with others.
* A Godly man is able to teach and is teachable.
* He applies what he learns or gleans.
* Wisdom becomes the application of knowledge.
*He seeks to build and establish something that will last and is not temporary.

There were two kinds of people in the days of Jesus.

1. Some heard the words that Jesus spoke and were awed by His wisdom and understanding,  but did nothing about what they heard.
2. Others heard those words and acted on them.

Jesus said that those who heard the words but failed to put them into practice were foolish and likened them to building a house on sand.

How foolish, indeed, it would be to build a house on sand.

The person who followed what Jesus taught was a person who would be sure to weather life’s storms.

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock” (Matthew 7:24-25).
You never know how well your house is built until it is tested by the elements.

*Torrential rains reveal the quality of your roof.
*Wind and cold reveal how well your home is insulated.
*Heat and sun reveal the quality of your paint and siding.

All these elements reveal whether a solid foundation has been laid to make your home a secure and lasting place to live.

*Many of us find that we have given only lip service to God’s commands.
*We are faced with the reality that our foundations are not strong enough to weather life’s storms.

When God sends a storm it’s to expose what’s not sturdy. Some of this stuff was pretty but not sturdy.

Lord, I pray –Knowing You are always listening.
Philippians 4:6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.
7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
Thank You Jesus! Amen


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Meek or Weak

By Bob / December 1, 2023

“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5 NIV).

If you want to make healthy choices to be well and whole again, you have to learn to be meek. Matthew 5:5 says, “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth” (NIV).

The Bible lists many benefits of meekness: The meek will be satisfied (Psalm 22:26); God will guide them (Psalm 25:9); they will become wise (Proverbs 11:2); they will be filled with fresh joy (Isaiah 29:19).

There are many, many others. The problem is, we misunderstand this term. None of us really know what meekness is. In fact we often confuse it with another term that sounds like it — “meek” sounds like “weak.” Nobody wants to be weak, so nobody wants to be meek.

But the truth is meekness and weakness are at the opposite ends of the spectrum.

Meekness is in no way weakness. In fact, the Greek word for meekness literally means “strength under control.” To be meek is not to be weak. It’s used to describe a wild stallion that has been tamed. That stallion still has all the strength it had when it was wild, but now its strength is under control. It is strength bottled up for the master’s use.

God doesn’t want you to be weak, but he does want you to be meek. The Bible teaches that it’s one of the keys to stress reduction in your life.

Here’s a simple definition of the word meek: Let go, and let God.

That is the essence of meekness. It is surrendering, submitting, and agreeing to what God wants to do in your life. It’s letting God be God in your life. Let go, and let God.

I don’t know a phrase that will do more for your health physically or emotionally than this phrase. If you’ll begin to practice it in your life, it will relieve stress and eliminate worry. If you’ll let go and let God, it will defuse anger and end your hurt and resentment. Amen


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By Bob / November 29, 2023

“The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.” – 2 Corinthians 10:4

*A stronghold is a fortress of thoughts that controls and influences our attitudes.
*Strongholds color how we view certain situations, circumstances, or people.

*When these thoughts and activities become habitual, we allow a spiritual fortress to be built around us. We become so used to responding to the “voice” of that spirit, that its abode in us is secure. All of this happens on a subconscious level.

For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete (2 Corinthians 10:3,5-6).


The steps to freedom come when we repent of our sins.

** It is  through the power of the cross that we no longer need to be held in bondage.


For me, besides salvation, being set free from strongholds is the most important discovery in my entire Christian walk.
*My relationship to Christ changed immediately.
* I began to hear God’s voice through the Holy Spirit inspired Word.
* I began to trust Christ in areas I never thought possible.
*I could truly experience the love of Christ for the first time.
*I was set FREE and had a great PEACE.
*Life went from my selfish needs to having a heart to see others set FREE and experience this PEACE.
*Got an understanding of the Effects of the Power Behind The Lords Table.
1. The power of the blood of Jesus Christ has broken the power of death and hell.

2. The power of the blood has positioned us in a place of authority.
3. The power of the blood set us free from all demonic powers.
4. The power of the blood cause us to reign in life.
5. The power of the blood means guaranteed victory for the believer.

Real life is only in what is built on eternity. Are you building around a world whose reward is in this lifetime, or an eternal one?

*Hebrews 5:8 Even though Jesus was God’s Son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered.

God, sometimes the situation in front of me seems impossible, but You have brought me through difficult times in the past, and I know You can do it again.   As Psalms 139 says ” Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties;  And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting.”
In Jesus Name I pray, AMEN

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By Bob / November 4, 2023

Prayer is simply communicating with God—listening and talking to him..

John 10:27 “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”

Unconfessed Sin
Just as unforgiveness can hinder our prayers, so can sin in our lives that we have refused to confess before God.
Psalm 66:18 If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened; 19 but God has surely listened and has heard my prayer. 20 Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me!
Before we conclude that God has simply not heard our prayers or that it is not His will to give us what we ask, we need to examine our hearts to see if unconfessed sin stands as a barrier between ourselves and God.
Psalms 139:23 Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. 24 See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

While we need to continually examine our hearts, we need also to ask God to reveal our sin to us.

God’s will is for us to be cleansed by the blood of Christ.

Let’s take this day and Ask for Christ’s cleansing of our sins and let Christ take all of those sins away as far as the East is form the West.

Let’s Thank God for the privilege of prayer and learn daily to “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7).
Again Let us Cast all our anxiety on him because he cares for me. Amen

Let us remember the 5 listed hindrances to Prayer:
1. Selfish Motives
2. Unforgiving Hearts
3. Doubt or Disbelief
4. Family Discord
5. Unconfessed Sin

But more then that let us focus on Jesus Christ and His answers to the 5 listed hindrances.

Lord, help us to be more vigilant prayer warriors. Help us to remember those that have asked us to pray for them and the ones You lay on our hearts daily.
Help us Lord to give up the hindrances  to our heart one at a time so we can experience more and more of Your love. Thank you Lord that You answer prayer and Your perfect will-will be done. Amen

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By Bob / November 3, 2023

Join us for Aug. 22  5 to 8  -Baptisms come and join in.

Only because of Jesus are we able to extend unconditional forgiveness. If we love and serve Him, He will give us the grace we need to forgive others.

“…for indeed what I have forgiven, if I have forgiven anything, I did it for your sakes in the presence of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 2:10

We’re called to confess and repent of our own sins, and we’re called to unconditionally forgive the sins of others.
  “…forgive, if you have anything against anyone; so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your transgressions.” Mark 11:25
The Old Testament story of Joseph and his brothers holds a potent message for New Testament Christians.

This story of one man’s forgiving love for his sinful brothers is a beautiful picture of God’s love and grace for sinful man.

Now the fact that Jacob loved Joseph so dearly did not mean that he loved his other sons any less.

He had faithfully cared for and blessed all his children.
They had received the same loving guidance and discipline, yet the older sons became jealous over what appeared to be one brother’s favored position.
Joseph seemed to get everything his heart desired, including a fancy coat of many colors. He was more blessed, more favored, more coddled—and it made them angry and jealous.
Have you ever been guilty of envying a brother in the Lord who seems to get everything he wants?
*His prayers always seem to be answered quickly.
*He never appears lonely, unloved or unneeded while you feel forsaken and alone.
*The roots of bitterness and jealousy begin to grow.

This is dangerous ground. The moment we believe our heavenly Father loves us less than He loves someone else, we open ourselves to all kinds of evil.
Whenever we complain about our circumstances, whether aloud or silently in our hearts, we accuse God of neglect.
Beware! This is the very attitude that brought so much trouble to Joseph’s brothers.

Sometimes we are called to experience rejection for the Son of God living in us.

When we carry the cross of Christ, the world and even our families sometimes look at us as though we have a few marbles out of place.

Lord: Help me to follow You , live for You,  live in You.  Show me Your mission for me and help me to do it. Help me to put You first above everything else for your Glory and my joy.  Amen

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By Bob / October 29, 2023

God’s Love for us is the same yesterday, today and forever.

“…you who have been borne by Me from birth, and have been carried from the womb; even to your old age, I shall be the same, and even to your graying years…I shall carry you…” Isaiah 46:3-4
Don’t lose hope. You might be hurting now, but out of every disaster, God can bring a new beginning. Believe in God, and watch Him show His glory in your life.

When you read the story of the death of Lazarus (John 11:1-45), you have to ask the question, “Why did Jesus delay in coming to see Lazarus?”


After all, Jesus had gotten word two days earlier that Lazarus was deathly ill. Why did he wait for two days to go see him? Did he not care?

Yes, Jesus cared. The Bible says he loved Lazarus. Then why did Jesus delay?
There are times when we pray and God doesn’t come through the way we expect him to come through. The healing doesn’t come. The answers don’t come. We cry, we pray, the tears flow, and we wonder, does God care about me?

Yes, he does!  The same one who wept at the grave of Lazarus weeps for you.   Jesus tears represent his sympathy to us as our Savior and High Priest.
***And not only that, Jesus went to the cross for you and me. He died for your sins. He’s prepared a place in heaven for you. What more could he have done to show his love and care for you and me?


In God’s own time and His own way, God will make a way when there seems to be no way. Whether you’re well or whether you’re sick… whether the answer comes as we expect it or not.

No matter how long you wait, GOD is never late.

There are 3 reasons God waits:

1. God is glorified.

*John 11:3 -it’s for the glory of God
– you can always pray,”God, be glorified in this.”

2. Faith is fortified.
*John 11: 26- Do you believe?
– God wants to use your trial to lead to more trust in Him.

3. Ministry is multiplied.  “Testimonies” for what God has done!

God, My heart is overflowing with the truth and wisdom you have placed there today! And with such massive love and gratitude for Your compassion and love and healing! Thank you for taking the sadness and replacing it with joy! May I glorify you each day above All else. Amen!


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