Psalm 78 core message addresses the importance of the home and the vital role of parents.

*This is a Psalm of instruction covering Israel’s history from Egypt and the Exodus to the time of David.
*It records the failure of the people of Israel, but it also records the steadfast faithfulness of the Lord and His wonderful works and mercy.


Ironically, one of their greatest failures was their failure as parents.

Note the emphasis of Psalm 127:“Unless the LORD builds the house, They labor in vain who build it; Unless the LORD guards the city, The watchman keeps awake in vain. It is vain for you to rise up early, To retire late, To eat the bread of painful labors; For He gives to His beloved even in his sleep. (Psalm 127:1-2)


Dads and moms bring ingredients into the home that are crucial to the spiritual and emotional stability of the home.
• Together they bring a blend of femininity and masculinity which in many ways reveal the image of God.
• These two influences together, especially when they are the product of godly parentage, are vital forces in shaping spiritually and psychologically healthy children.

• If I as a parent fail to communicate God’s truth to my children, then I am guilty of hiding from them the most important information in the world. TRUTH!
Psalm 78 stresses two great needs and responsibilities that I have as believing parent:

(1) I must put my trust in God’s Word above the ideas of men for all areas of life, including, the raising and training of my children.

(2) But if I am going to do that, I also need to communicate the character of the Bible as indeed the Word of God, an objective, inerrant, infallible guide and authority that always takes precedence over the ideas of men and the world.
The truth and instructions of Scripture are not designed for my hurt, but for my blessing.

Holy Father,  I confess my sin of not always being a parent or grandparent that reflects complete trust in You and thereby have hurt my children’s path to knowing You;  O Holy Father, let me hear Your Voice, that Your tone may be familiar while the noise of the world dies away.  May the music I hear be the sound of Your speaking; please give me ears to hear Your voice; In the Name of my Lord Jesus Christ. Amen