How can I have Eternal Life?

How can I have Eternal Life?
* And this is the way to have eternal life—to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth. (John 17:3)
*Jesus is the greatest gift we could ever receive.
*God is passionate about relationships. *Right relationships means nothing is broken-everything is right. *Righteousness is right relationship.

*If you don’t do one thing this Christmas you need to take the TIME to truly praise God for the offering of His Son. Not just a prayer before opening presents but a true sacrifice to the Living God for the birth of His son, His death, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
*Christmas the celebration of Jesus Birth becomes of special significance when you see it through the lens of Calvary. *Those who were met with angels were called to be witnesses for Jesus.
*The Son of God became the Son of Man so that the sons of men could become Children of God.  WE ARE HIS Children!

Each of us faces the same dilemma. We have a sin debt that we owe to God but no way to pay for it.
We are addicted to sin and None of our solutions – living a moral life, being religious, or doing more good deeds – can take care of our problem.

**GOD Himself has provided the solution – one that both satisfies His justice and grants us mercy.
*GOD sent His Son, Jesus  to pay the penalty we owed.
*Jesus was qualified to be our substitute because He never sinned (2 Corinthians 5:21).
*Jesus willingly took our place on the cross and experienced the full measure of the Lord’s wrath against OUR sinfulness.
*In dying for us, Christ secured our salvation by paying the debt for ALL our past, present, and future sins.
*When we trust in Jesus and surrender our life to Him, He becomes our personal Savior and Lord.

The great tragedy is that many have heard the gospel and rejected it.
* Some are like the rich ruler who placed his trust in material possessions and turned his back on the Truth.
* Others have refused to even Listen.
* Another group is convinced they are heaven-bound, based on erroneous confidence in their Own Good Deeds.

***Only those who have entered into a Personal Relationship with Jesus through faith in Him will be welcomed into heaven.
If you’re still wondering, How can I have eternal life? There is only one answer: “through faith in Jesus Christ- Knowing Jesus”!!!
John 14:6  Jesus said to him,  I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

We have an Enemy who actively seeks to blind people to the truth.
(2 Corinthians 4:3)
* Pray that many who are separated from the Lord will trust in the Savior and gain everlasting life.
* Pray that this Christmas the True Meaning will be revealed to millions around the world.
*Let’s Bring Jesus Back this Christmas: to our homes, families, friends, work!!
Let’s Make Jesus #1!!
**” And this is the way to have eternal life—to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth”. (John 17:3)

If we are faithful to do our part, God will always be faithful to do His!
The more we read, meditate on, and absorb His word, the deeper our longing for Him grows as the Holy Spirit speaks to us.
Then we will begin to seek more of Him and desire to get to know Him more.
* We learn that He wants us to know Him intimately and that we can hear His voice. Then we can walk fully in His plans and will. Then we can give Him glory the best that we can.

John 8:32 And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
*It is the Holy Bible that the believer should make a lifetime commitment to study for the perfecting of their spiritual growth.
Moses was a friend of God, and he met God face to face. “The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks with his friend” (Ex. 33:11a).
So often, we view others for what they can do for us, instead of who they are.

God wants us to seek Him for our every need. However, there is a higher calling for every believer. That is to seek God’s face, and to see Him for His LOVE and Tenderness toward us as His children. *He can provide for our physical needs, BUT when we see Him face to face, we are changed.
* We no longer see Him as one to be feared as much as one to know intimately.
* We no longer view Him for what He can give to us, but for what He already has given for us.
**When we see Jesus face to face, we are no longer slaves, but friends. We do not fear Him as a slave fears his master. We have entered a new kind of relationship-a relationship that has mutual respect and care.
**Today, Jesus is calling you to seek His face, not just His hand. When you seek His face, you will know His provision and His mercy in all aspects of life.
** Seek His face today and become a friend of God.

The more like Christ you become, the more you exalt Christ and not yourself.
*What God did on the first Christmas and what he does in forgiving and changing people today he did and does in utterly free, sovereign mercy, so that ALL his people will end  of their lives with the words like 1 Timothy 1:17: “To the King of ages, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.”

I thank you Lord for your care and love for all my loved ones and all of the Devotional readers these past two years . I thank you for each and every one of them Lord.  I thank you for your shield on their lives.  I thank you for your goodness and your mercy toward them.  I thank you Lord for your provision for them and I thank you Lord for health and healing in their lives. I thank you Father for being so good to each one of them. I thank you Lord for comforting the broken hearted and I thank you Lord for providing for the jobless.  I thank you Lord for open doors and opportunities.
I thank you Father God for everything that you are doing in each of their lives. *What I thank you most of all for Lord is I thank you Lord that you are drawing
each and every one of us closer to you “to Know You”.  I thank you Lord that you are opening our eyes and our ears, that you Lord are making yourself KNOWN to us and we are basking in Your presence.  I thank you for each dear soul today, Save whole families Lord, and bring restoration, healing  and renewal in great measure this Season to ALL– for Your Glory and our Joy. Bless your great name. In Jesus name I pray. Amen