A Bond slave of Jesus!

God is not a Genie in a bottle that is obligated to fulfill OUR every command. We have given up ALL of OUR rights when we entered into a personal relationship with Him!!!! A Bond Servant of Jesus!

Phil. 2:7 but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men.
*Jesus came to the Center of our chaos world in order to set it ALL right. He took on broken humanity in order to Infect us with Healing, Hope and Restoration.  Now that is Love!

The passion of Christianity is that I deliberately sign away my own rights and become a bond-slave of Jesus Christ.
*God created us for Himself but we sold ourselves into slavery to the devil.
*If we’re only loving in order to change the other person or the circumstances, our motivation is totally wrong. That’s conditional human love, and not God’s Love at all. If selfishness is motivating us, the fruit of our actions will be rotten.
*  “Love…does not seek its own…”
1 Corinthians 13:4-5

Jesus purpose for coming into the world was twofold. First, He came to “redeem them that were under the law.” He did this by perfectly 1. keeping the law, fulfilling it, and 2. paying its curse (Mt. 5:17; Gal. 3:13).
*Christ delivered us from the entire system of the law. The Greek word for redeem means “to buy OUT OF the slave market.” Thank you Jesus!

* Christ gave us the status of sonship with all its privileges. Not only were we redeemed from the bondage of the law, but we were redeemed unto sonship.
**Many people stop short, only realizing what they were delivered from, not what they inherit.
Sure, we need to rejoice that we are redeemed, but we also need to Move Forward, and realize the full benefits of our inheritance.
*God created us for Himself but we sold ourselves into slavery to the devil.
*GOOD NEWS– God bought us back through the precious blood of Jesus Christ. (CROSS).
**No amount of effort, human works, or man’s own righteousness could bring the divine favor that we needed. It was the Actual Life of God (Lev. 17:11) that purchased our redemption.

AM I A Bond-slave Of Jesus?
I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me. — Galatians 2:20
*These words mean the breaking of my independence with my own hand and surrendering to the supremacy of the Lord Jesus.
*It means breaking the husk of my individual independence of God into oneness with Himself, not for my own ideas, but for Absolute Loyalty to Jesus.
*I must be broken from my self-realization, and immediately that point is reached, the reality of the supernatural identification takes place at once, and the witness of the Spirit of God is unmistakable – “I have been crucified with Christ.” (Now a Bond-Servant of Jesus).

Luke 14:33  So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple.
*Discipleship means personal, passionate devotion to a Person, Our Lord Jesus Christ.
*To be a disciple is to be a devoted love-slave of the Lord Jesus.
**No man on earth has this passionate love to the Lord Jesus unless the Holy Spirit has imparted it to him.
* We may admire Him, we may respect Him and reverence Him, but we cannot love Him.
***The only Lover of the Lord Jesus is the Holy Spirit, and He sheds abroad the very love of God in our hearts.
**Whenever the Holy Spirit sees a chance of glorifying Jesus, He will take your heart, your nerves, your whole personality, and simply make you blaze and glow with devotion to Jesus Christ.

* Do I feel that sense of indebtedness to Christ in regard to every unsaved soul?
*Every bit of my life that is of value I owe to the Redemption of Jesus Christ.  * We can only do it as the Spirit of God works in us  this sense of indebtedness.

I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the barbarians. — Romans 1:14
**Opportunity + Ability = Responsibility
*Paul’s mission directive is his commitment to spread the Gospel of Jesus and to present it among the Gentiles and Jews alike.
**Paul saw it as an obligation (a binding contract independent of God’s promise of eternal life).
*When we see to it to fulfill our obligations we are responsible; able to give a response from the position given to us.

I am not to be a superior person amongst men, but a bondslave of the Lord Jesus. “Ye are not your own.” Paul sold himself to Jesus Christ. He says – I am a debtor to everyone on the face of the earth because of the Gospel of Jesus. I am free to be an absolute slave only.
* That is the characteristic of the life when once this point of spiritual honor is realized.

** Quit praying about yourself and be spent for others as the bondslave of Jesus. That is the meaning of being made broken bread and poured out wine in reality.

* A man will always be a slave for obeying— unless behind his obedience there is a recognition of a Holy God!

**The bondslave is the highest spiritual destination in the kingdom of heaven. The apostles called themselves bondslaves. Their identities were as bondslaves of Jesus Christ.
These passages  taken from NKJV.

Romans 1:1 Paul, a bondservant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle,separated to the gospel of God.
*Paul is a servant of God. More than that he is a slave to God.
*Paul is called by God not just to belong to Christ but to be an apostle( set apart for the gospel).

James 1:1 James, a bondservant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ,..
* James, brother of Jesus and leader of church in Jerusalem.  KEY here:  James calls himself a servant of Christ, rather than his brother or his role as leader of the Jerusalem church.

**WORK was an important part of our relationship to God and to be done with excellence for his glory!
**Colossians 4:1 Masters, give your bondservants what is just and fair, knowing that you also have a Master in heaven…
*Taking Christ to My Work!!!
*Greek word for WORK “Doulos” – “I have to work” slave, employee.

***Guidelines for employees.
Eph. 6:5 Bondservants, be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Christ; 6 not with eye service, as men-pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart, 7 with goodwill doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men, 8 knowing that whatever good anyone does, he will receive the same from the Lord, whether he is a slave or free.
*Accounabilty is for us given by God so we can go through life living FOR Him. *Without accountability we would not know were we are wrong.
Accountability gives us strength because when we are Held Responsible for our wrongs we can then Teach others the same.
Ignorance, pride and self centeredness keeps us from realizing when we are wrong.

2 Cor. 4:5 For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your bondservants for Jesus sake.
*You see, we don’t go around preaching about ourselves.
** We preach that Jesus Christ is Lord, and we ourselves are your servants for Jesus’ sake.

Phil. 1:1 Paul and Timothy, bondservants of Jesus Christ, To all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi, with the bishops and deacons:
*We have the relationship with God backwards today.  Our relationship to God has to be about Jesus and His glory.

1 Timothy 6:1 Let as many bondservants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honor, SO That the NAME of God and His doctrine may not be blasphemed.
*People of the gospel serve the God of the gospel, with an unchanging hope.
*Those working.. Should show respect for their employers so that they will not bring shame to God’s name!

Lord help me to be Your Bond Servant and help me “Return to the basics” of my walk with Jesus Christ as stated in Your Holy Spirit inspired Word—the BIBLE! Help me Lord:
* Make a choice to serve God in order to be a testimony it will change the world your living in. (Hebrews 3:5).
*1 Peter 2:18 Servants, be submissive to your masters with all fear, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the harsh.
*Titus 2:9 Exhort bondservants to be obedient to their own masters, to be well pleasing in all things, not answering back,
*Col. 3:22 Bondservants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh, not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but in sincerity of heart, fearing God. 23 And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, 24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ. 25 But he who does wrong will be repaid for what he has done, and there is no partiality.
Hebrews 5: 8 though He was a Son, yet He(Jesus) learned obedience by the things which He suffered.
Thank You Jesus for Loving me, a sinner that wants to be totally sold out to Your Will and Purpose–for Your Glory–not my own selfishness.
In Jesus Name, Amen