Devotions - Prayer

God’s Organizational Chart

By Bob / August 14, 2011

The First and foremost goal/mission is to spread the gospel.
There should be more peace in God’s house than any where else.

Acts 6: 1-7. Spreading the Gospel FIRST
“God’s organizational chart”

In these short 7 verses it is Awesome how God lays out the roles that fulfill both the Spiritual and Physical needs of the church Body.
If we take this serious and organize our churches and ministries according to God’s organizational chart we can expect verse #7 to describe our ministry results.
Acts 6:7 So God’s message continued to spread. The number of believers greatly increased in Jerusalem, and many of the Jewish priests were converted, too.

Of course this is as long as the leadership does not forget that they are simply servant leaders and start to prance around like pharisaical peacocks. *Pride is one of the sneakiest and deadliest sins and has destroyed many churches/Ministries whom were once strong beacons of light.

In Acts–A the jewish community were being converted to Christianity there were a huge number of widows and orphans. The “Christian Community”. (the flock) developed a system to help the NEEDY.
There were Greek speaking jews who grew up outside of Jerusalem who felt that they were receiving smaller portion of the money, food, etc.
* What COULD have happened was a church split like many modern day churches. The effect of that would have been the death of the church because there would be NO UNITY.

The needs were not being met. Have you ever felt like that? You feel as if your being neglected even though you ARE part of the church Body.

The Greek speaking Jews complained. The result of this complaint, really set in Motion the Growth of the church.
** The complaint became an “Opportunity” for the church to bring more people in Leadership and Prioritize the need of the church because what was at stake was the GOSPEL-NOT  personal achievements or programs.

What we see is that the apostles were running the foods program but as it was expanding there was just too much work on their hand.
The need was there so they passed out bread but eventually they realized that all they did was Caring for the needy and NOT Preaching.(Bandaide to problem).

We are so easily convinced that those placed in leadership already have control etc.
The temptation of those who serve is that they feel like without them the church would not run.
The apostles could have done that. Saying we ARE the original 12 and yes we should be the ones to take care of this. The church relies on us. But led by the spirit they rechecked the reason for the existence if a church.
****Yes we need to help the needy but our first and foremost goal/mission is to spread the GOSPEL.
Here in  Acts 6  shows us how we need to duplicate ourselves. We need to realize that we are replaceable at all times……Sometimes we are selfish when it comes to ministry and not share, teach or mentor others…

The apostles gathered everyone and told everyone:
* that preaching the gospel supersedes keeping the needy (not replace it)
* They acknowledged the important of helping the needy as well.
*They called in those who are filled with the spirit to take leadership.
The leaders were not picked because the position was in need and to simply full the empty body.
*These leaders were also filled with the spirit. These were the first deacons. Deacons simply mean servants. That was the solution.
*These seven men of good and attested Character and Repute, full of the [Holy] Spirit and Wisdom.

It’s so apparent when you come on the sunday morning are the praise team and the pastor. But what are YOU doing? It’s highlighted by this passage is that no ministry is minor.

Serve the church not with the mindset if “they need me” but work the heart to serve the Lord our God.
**But always realize, the primary purpose of the church is the GOSPEL and this supersedes everything.

The result in Acts 6, was that the church spread and even the temple priests who were against the church became converted.

Sometimes God will allow problems to come into your home, marriage, with your children, on your job, etc. to take you higher.

We always want the numerical over the biblical when we should concentrate more on the Word versus the numbers.

Being one with God simply means following Jesus, who willingly chose to suffer rejection and lay down His very life.
“…fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Hebrews 12:2

How does God reveal His Will to us? He speaks to us and guides us as we read and meditate upon His Word.
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet; and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105

Matthew 13:23 The seed that fell on good soil represents those who truly hear and understand God’s word and produce a harvest of thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times as much as had been planted!”

*If Jesus needed the 12 disciples in His ministry who are WE to think WE can do it alone?  We need the entire Body and we need to be a part of it!

Lord guide us all and speak to us on how You want us to serve.  Put it upon our hearts Lord, knowing we are serving You First then man. Help us to help the Body  keep the Gospel number 1 in all we do and say.  “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet; and a light unto my path”.
In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen.

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Sharing the Good News!

By Bob / August 13, 2011

Following God is not merely walking in the same direction as Jesus…it means binding ourselves to Him so tightly that we actually become one with God.

“And the glory which Thou hast given Me I have given to them; that they may be one, just as We are one; I in them, and Thou in Me, that they may be perfected in unity…”John 17:22-23

How Can We Prepare to Share the Gospel?
Mark 16:15He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
Be prepared to share the gospel. There are three essential things that you must do in order to get equipped for sharing the Good News.

1. Prepare Your Mind.
* Apply yourself to studying God’s Word, (see 2 Timothy 2:15).

2.  Prepare Your Heart.
* Ask God to give you a heart of compassion for the lost and an earnest desire for their salvation (see 2 Peter 3:9).
* Ask Him to stir up an urgent fervency to see the lost lovingly called into a relationship with Christ (see Colossians 1:10).

3. Prepare the Way. You have to pray! *Ask God to give you boldness to engage with every person whom He leads you to.
*Ask Him to grant you wisdom so that you can minister to their specific needs. *Pray that you will be a prepared messenger speaking to prepared hearts.

God’s influence comes through his WORD. Are we under the influence of the Gospel?
* Gospel truth is always relational.
* We need to have a relationship with Christ.
* Produces a relationship with the church.
* We are to love one another.
* We need to recommit ourselves.

Gospel truth is redemption. What everyone needs to know.
1. Must live according to Biblical standards.
2. The word of life, is for life.
3. Love God by obeying him.
4. God guides you and we need to guard our hearts.
5. Don’t jeopardize God’s perfect plan for your life.
6. If it’s not well spiritually, it’s not well at all.
7. We most not live for this life only, but prepare for eternity.

Dear saint, very soon you’re going to understand your present fiery trials. God is going to bring you into the promise he gave you and suddenly it’s all going to make sense.
*You’ll see that he has never forsaken you.
*He had to take you this way, for he has been training you, preparing you, teaching you to trust him for everything.
*He has planned a time for you to be used—!

As with many other things, when it comes to sharing the gospel of Christ, our Motives and our Manner matter. Paul and his companions reflect here how they came to Thessalonica with the Good News message, presenting it not to please nor to flatter men. They recognized that God called and appointed them to share the gospel, so they were first and foremost accountable to Him. (1Thess. 2:3-8).

Still, it is important to note that Paul and friends were gentle and tender with the new converts.

“Each man will be like a shelter from the wind and a refuge from the storm, like streams of water in the desert and the shadow of a great rock in a thirsty land.” Isaiah 32:2

When a person becomes aware of their need of Christ through you or me, we have become a shelter from the wind. We become their refuge from the storms of life.

Someone once said that you and I might be the only Bible someone ever reads, so WE need to be something worth reading 24/7 not just Sundays.

Are you available to be that shelter for a non-believing friend?
If so, then you may open the eyes of someone who has been blind his whole life. What an incredible blessing to know you were the instrument God used to bring a person into the Kingdom of God.

“Then the eyes of those who see will no longer be closed, and the ears of those who hear will listen” (Isaiah 32:3)

Lord, I badly need this reminder. Help me to remember that it is You Who has called me to be a servant and ambassador, and that ultimately Your opinion of me matters more than the opinions of any other.  I don’t need blessings—I need You Jesus! Amen

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Need a Balance in Life?

By Bob / August 12, 2011

May the Lord’s refreshing presence, reign within your heart, showering you with His Agape Love.
“So let us know, let us press on to know the Lord. His going forth is as certain as the dawn; and He will come to us like the rain, like the spring rain watering the earth.” Hosea 6:3

“The Lord’s anger burned against Uzzah, and He struck him down because he had put his hand on the ark. So he died there before God.”
1 Chronicles 13:10

A life of faith often requires us to leave God’s work alone. Responding to a need out of a desire to help move a vision along can be the greatest challenge for a Christian.
* There is a fine line between presumption and faith.

Uzzah learned that presumption could cost him his life. He was part of the crew that was to move the ark with the help of a team of oxen. When the way became rough, Uzzah responded in a natural way. He grabbed the ark to steady it. When he did, he was immediately struck down. God said it was forbidden to touch the ark.

Walking with God  requires sensitivity to “Balancing our God-given talents” and “Operating in the power of the Holy Spirit” in and through our life.

A mentor once told me, “You almost have to hold back your natural gifting to ensure that God is the one who is guiding you.
If not, you will not know if it is through your skill versus His hand that you are accomplishing the work.”

I find this the most challenging aspect of a walk with God in my life.

*You can only grow in your understanding of this Balance by being “Accountable to others” in the process.
* By having other committed Christians walking close to you, they become the safety net to keep you from presumption and the deceit of the heart.
*God has blessed me with  a godly Spouse and Truthful Friends to help me in this area.

*By asking us to follow Him, Jesus is really asking us to forfeit all rights to ourselves.
“If any man come to Me, and hate not…his own life…he cannot be My disciple. And whosoever doth not bear his cross and come after Me, cannot be My disciple.” Luke 14:26

I ask myself: “What are the areas that I place other people and things above Christ, and how can I change that so that my life is in line with this scripture?

“They will tell of the glory of Your kingdom and speak of Your might, so that all men may know of Your mighty acts and the glorious splendor of Your kingdom.” Psalm 145:11-12.

How do you measure your effectiveness in God, or should you even be thinking like this?
The early Church turned the world upside down in that first century. What made them so effective?
The Scriptures are clear as to what made the early Church effective. It is at the core of God’s heart, and it is quite simple.
***God desires to reflect His nature and power through EVERY individual.
* When this happens, the world is automatically changed because those who Reflect His glory Affect the world.

*We serve a jealous God. He is a God who will not share His glory with anyone.
*God sets up situations in order to demonstrate His power through them. *He has done this since the day He created man.

**His desire is to reflect His glory through you and me, so that all men may know of His mighty acts and the glorious splendor of His Kingdom.

The apostle Paul understood this principle: “My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power” (1 Cor. 2:4-5).
If you do not see His glory being reflected through your life, then you need to ask why. He has promised to do so if we will walk in obedience to His commands.

When we rely on the HOly Spirit everythings come out good. God is not complicated and likes things plain and simple.

Lord, THank You for giving us Your miraculous power, the explosive power of God through the Holy Spirit – To share Christ boldly- to help us when we are weak– To give us and others hope in a hopeless world– and To experience all the fullness of YOU,God. Help US Lord to Abide in YOU and listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit you put  within to lead us and guide us in ALL TRUTH found in your Scriptures.  In Jesus Name, Amen

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Need More Joy In Life?

By Bob / August 11, 2011

Jesus lived His life… “ALL IN”!
To Do the will of the Father.

Philippians 2:2 I urge you, then, to make me completely happy by having the same thoughts, sharing the same love, and being one in soul and mind.

One of the signs that shows were close with God and enjoying his kingdom is that our life expresses JOY.

Nehemiah 8:10 – the joy of the Lord is your strength.…


Love is the root of JOY. A special JOY in self-sacrifice. JOY- committing to Christ instead of succumbing to trials. JOY- most elusive fruits for believers; equate happiness to joy but very different.…

I tell you the truth, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy (John 16:20).

We weep and cry over a lot of stuff, but when it comes to remembering what Jesus did on the cross – We hold it at a distance. We don’t often grieve over it, the pain is shallow. I wonder if what Jesus is saying here is that in the polarity of grief We can truly find joy on the flip side.
I mean when you connect with the sacrifice Jesus did dying, the loss of a friend, mentor, messiah, and then the time of grief, and then the resurrection. that leads to great joy, does your remembrance lead to that type of joy, I know mine often falls short of that, but I want that, oh do I want that.

We are always concerned about how long a trial is going to last and wondering why we have to go through it. Are these not the questions we inevitably ask whenever we have trouble–

“Why?” and “How long?”
But when Jesus answers the troubled disciples, He ignores the whole matter of time.
Jesus answer stresses the Process and the Result that is certain to follow.
Jesus isn’t concerned with the “Why?” and “How long?” but with the
“How?” and the “What?” He makes clear to them that a period of sorrow is inevitable.
Jesus cannot spare them from it. There will be a time when they will weep and lament and be in sorrow and when the world around will be rejoicing.

“But,” Jesus says, “your sorrow will be turned into joy.”
* How long it takes is not significant; the inevitable RESULT is the important thing.

Most of us assume that our sorrow is going to be replaced by joy. But the promise of Jesus is that the very thing that caused sorrow is also going to be the cause of joy.
That is a revelation of one of the great principles that marks authentic Christianity, one of the ways by which our Lord works in our life.

JESUS takes the very thing that causes us heartache and sorrow and turns it into a cause of joy.

You work in such wonderful ways, Lord. I trust that You will take that which brings sorrow in my life and make it a source of joy.

Do you focus on what is happening, or God’s promises?

God’s most wonderful promise came through the One who could be tempted yet sinless, Lion yet lamb, human yet God. God’s plan for redemption came through His one and only Son.

It just took one—one sacrifice, one resurrection, one hope for eternity. Humanity cried out for restoration and God responded by sending that One.

Make today the day that you live believing in that one thing happening—whether it is a sold sign in your yard or healing in a relationship;
* Turn to the Creator of all things with whatever is on your heart.
* Spend today reflecting on that one sacrifice He made on your behalf, because of His unfailing love for you. *Trust Him to do what is best for you—whatever His answer may be—and live in expectation of the abundant life He has promised.

Make time for the Lord in your busy schedule.  Your ability to stay connected spiritually will produce peace, joy and good fruit in the face of overwhelming circumstances.  Remember that you don’t have to accomplish enormous challenges all at once; you are well able to do one thing at a time, moment by moment and still succeed.  Refuse the allow stress and pressure to steal your peace and joy.

Isaiah 26:12  LORD, You will establish peace for us, for You have also done all our works in us.

God can do what he wants and it is ALL good!
* There I will stand, by faith.
*There is some sight to it, but only when I keep my focus on Jesus alone.

Ecclesiastes 7:1414 When things are going well for you, be glad, and when trouble comes, just remember: God sends both happiness and trouble; you never know what is going to happen next.
This is a great reminder! We are always so happy to be thankful, faithful and generous when things are going well financially, but when the skids get put on (by God…) so many of us are quick to lose their thankfulness, faithfulness and generosity!!

Let’s remember Solomon’s wisdom – God brings prosperity as well as hard times. If we keep this in mind, we will be able to ‘enjoy’ poverty when it comes, realizing that God is allowing it for a reason…which is Best for US!

Dear Lord, help me to trust in You to send the answers I need. Help me to take my eyes off my circumstances and focus solely on You. Thank You for the sacrifice of Your precious Son so that I could have salvation.  Lord help me Abide in You, in Your Word, in Worship and in Prayer. Help me Look past the pain and trials and Let YOUR JOY be my strength.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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Obedience Love

By Bob / August 10, 2011

Love and obedience forever walk hand in hand.
“He that hath My commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth Me.”
John 14:21

1John 2:28-29
“And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming. If ye know that he is righteous, ye know that every one that doeth righteous is born of him.”

We have talked about abiding before, and abide means to dwell, to live in. We must abide in the Lord.
*Your life is not your own!!!
* It has been bought with a price.
* Jesus paid the price, a heavy price for your life and we must not be forgetful of that.
So often we go from day to day just doing what we do taking for granted our lives are our lives.
We live because of Jesus.
There is a song I hear here are some of
the words “Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, All fear is
gone. Because I know He holds my future, And life is worth the living just because He lives.”. Amen

Our lives were worth nothing before Jesus came lived and died for us.
* We were all headed to a place of death, a place of destruction but because of the price Jesus paid for us we can now truly live and to truly live is to allow Him to live through us.

When we abide in Christ, when he appears we will have the confidence
and not be ashamed before Him at his coming. If we are walking a righteous life before the Lord there is no fear, there is only God’s love.
1John 4:18 “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.”

If you know that Jesus is righteous,
you also know that every one that does righteous is born of him. We must put away unrighteousness!!!!
We do not want to be in a place when He comes questioning our lives lived before Him, we want to know with assurance that we have lived a life that
was pleasing in His eyesight.
We want to be in absolute confidence that we have brought no shame to the Lord via the life we have lived.

The Lord wants to take you to a higher level in Him, but you must be willing to submit your life and commit your life totally to Him. He wants to prepare you for His coming, He wants you be
confident and not have any shame when He appears. Seek Him like never before.
Read His word and pray, build yourself up in the Holy Spirit. “Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.” Ephesians 6:10 Do all you can do to live righteous and holy.

Lord, In the name of Jesus. Create in me dear Lord a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. I want to lift up clean hands in your presence. I want the meditation of my heart to be acceptable in your sight Lord. Cause all my thoughts to line up to your word Lord. Lord I praise you I love
you I honor you I exalt you. I give you all the glory and honor Lord for you are
worthy to be praise, in all my storms I will praise you, in all my trouble I will
praise you. I will run to you Lord for there is only you, you are everything dear Lord. I bless your holy name. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

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Lead Like Jesus

By Bob / August 9, 2011

“When you make a vow to God, do not be late in paying it, for He takes no delight in fools. Pay what you vow!”
Ecclesiastes 5:4

We know God to be faithful, and we need to be faithful to Him as well. If we promise God something in our prayer closet, we need to make sure our actions line up with that promise.

4 ways to lead like Jesus!!

Don’t you believe Jesus was the best leader that has ever lived?  Seriously, look at what HE accomplished with just three years of a public ministry…it’s STILL impacting people all over the world.
Four things (and there ARE way more than four)  Jesus did that made Him an effective leader.

Ways You Can Lead Like Jesus

#1 – Jesus Spent Time With His Inner Circle

The idea that the leader cannot be close with the people he works with simply isn’t Christ like.  Jesus did not isolate Himself from “his staff,” but rather He did life and ministry with them. “Relationships”.
The leader who is afraid to be known by the people he has been called to serve with is in a dangerous place as he either thinks himself:
* better than them
*or is quite possibly trying to hide something from them.
Jesus didn’t lead through fear…He led through “Relationships” and these only become stronger as we spend TIME with one another.
In fact, He actually called them His friends (see John 15:15.)
If Jesus can be friends with His “staff”, then why can’t we do the same?

#2 – Jesus Was More About Who His Followers Were Becoming Than What They Were Doing!

If a leader cares more about the Work his staff produces— rather than the Fruit that the Lord is producing in them, then he will often put his team in a dangerous place because he will attempt to DRIVE them through his agenda rather than attempt to lead them through the Lord’s agenda.

Jesus knew if they developed fully devoted hearts for Him that the quality of their work would show it!
*Jesus needs to be our Central Focus in Everything we do-otherwise life will be meaningless!  (Read Ecclesiastes 1,2, 5
And chapter 12 for your life’s purpose)

#3 – Jesus Was Patient With Those Closest To Him

As we read the Gospels we never see Jesus going on a rant against His disciples.
Sure, there are places where He offers correction and/or rebuke…but this is the exception, NOT the rule…and He does not go on and on for chapter after chapter.
*Jesus addresses the issue and then moves on!!!
*Jesus approaches His “staff” with a patient attitude and does not assume that just because someone makes a Mistake that they are either disloyal to Him or simply an idiot who is incapable of doing anything signifiant.

A leader that is always losing his/her temper with others because “they don’t get it” usually does not realize that the reason many people don’t “get it” isn’t because they are lacking intelligence but rather because they haven’t been led well. (We need to look in the mirror).

(And…btw…when Peter “blew it” by denying Christ…Jesus did not write him off or “fire him,” he went from Jerusalem to Galilee to find him and restore him to the ministry!  See John 21!
Great leaders don’t look to fire people first…they look to WALK them through the mistake and RESTORE them!)

#4 – Jesus Was Not Paranoid

One of the craziest things that takes place in Christian leadership circles is the incredibly insane idea that a leader always needs to be paranoid about which staff are and are not with him…and who might ultimately betray him.

Jesus KNEW He was going to be betrayed by Judas…and yet that did not distract Him from what God had called Him to do.  (In fact, I would argue that Judas’ betrayal ultimately led to Jesus moving into a greater place!!!)

If you are in leadership(which we all are being it raising kids to volunteering to CEO’s)  long enough someone WILL betray you…it will hurt; however, that does not give us an excuse to run around and constantly create an atmosphere of FEAR and DOUBT on  staff and call everything that we don’t like or perceive as an attack against an idea we might have as “disloyal.”

The better question for a leader to ask is NOT, “are these people for me,” but rather, “am I for these people?”  Because…if a staff(kids, co-workers) etc ) knows that the leader(Boss,parent-grand Parent etc. ) loves them, that they want the best for them and is willing to fight to lead them, love them and be patient with them, then betrayal is far less of a threat than the leader who is always freaking out about who might and might not be fully sold out to the vision.

You are My chosen generation; holy priests, true worshippers, the guiding light that this world needs to see.  So, rise up and shake off the dust of the world.  Shake off that which has brought failure and discouragement to you.  Rise up as the child of God and say,  “I will walk this new path.  I will walk on this path in the goodness of your glory.  In Jesus name, let it be so.”

The Lord calls you today to set your sights on higher spiritual ground.  No matter where you are in your circumstances, now is the time to come higher in your dedication to the Lord.  The condition of the earth and the chaos of people and nations demand a greater level of commitment in order for tribulation to produce victory.  Your total submission to the Lord is critical at this juncture.  Arise to new heights.
Isaiah 60:1 Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you.

I thank you Lord that I am your child I am truly yours Father and I thank you for all the love that you bestow up on me I thank you for your peace, your love, your joy, your favor, your mercy, your grace that you pour out on my life daily. I wait in anticipation for the day that I will see you Lord face to face and I pray to be more like you daily keep me pure, keep me clean and unspotted from the world,  keep me in your word Lord and praying without ceasing. Keep me Father on the right path, Lord Jesus I follow you, I’m on your heels, right behind you Lord, where ever
you go I will follow I want to be where you are. I don’t need Blessings–I need you JESUS above ALL things!  Help me lead as to how your Spirit directs with Love, Patience, Compassion, Kindness, Joy giving You ALL the Glory and Praise!  In Jesus name I pray. Amen

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Answer to Prayer

By Bob / August 8, 2011

Answer to Prayer-God’s Style!

Come to the Hope Connection this Monday night (Central Lutheran7-8) and hear a moving Testimony from Darcy on how she has moved forward by taking responsibility for her actions, being accountable  and how the court system honored that!  Its beautiful!
It’s seeing God in Romans 8: 28 And we know that in ALL things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

We are being conformed to the image of Jesus, THROUGH all things, whether good or bad! And why are we being conformed? Because we LOVE the Lord! But let us not forget that we love HIm, because He FIRST loved us!
Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

This will be a Testimony that next time we’re going through a tough time, let us remember that for us who love the Lord, it is of necessity to go through the trial, because through it, God conforms us to the image of Christ!
I don’t know about you, but knowing that I can be and look like Jesus is super
exciting, woohoo!!

*So, in ALL things, can we just give THANKS?
*So, in ALL Things, can we speak Peace and Blessings verses any Curses?
*Who knows what will happen when we do!

If you sow seed in these areas you will reap a harvest in due season. It may not
be apparent right away, but once the seed is sown and it is continually watered a harvest WILL come forth. In like manner, if you sow seed to your Spirit you will reap fruit of the Spirit.

What are the fruit of the Spirit?
The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance(Galatians 5:22-23).

Continue to sow to your Spirit through the word of God and through prayer and you will reap life everlasting.

Don’t become weary in doing well,
this line right here is a very interesting good line, listen, don’t take the attitude,
“I’m tired of doing what is good, it’s getting me nowhere”.
This is doing well in the flesh, but doing well in the Spirit is, “Lord I’m tired strengthen me to continue in what I know you have placed in my hand I want to bring you glory”
* Let this be your heart cry when you become tired, He will strengthen you and you will reap a blessed harvest, if you do not give up.
Galations 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6

Worry is a type of FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) which is a negitively charged Faith.
* Fear is having more faith in what satan can do to you, than in what God has done for you.
* Go to God in prayer.
* Thank God for what He has done for you.
*Then open up His Word and quote the promises that covers your need, back to Him.
*Finally, thank Him for giving it to you! Don’t worry! Just thank Him!

Now Let’s Pray with others Daily!
*It is interesting what happens when you offer to pray for someone. This is putting our Faith into action.  Offering to pray for someone can be the most genuine and loving thing you can do for another person.
* Prayer can be the one means of getting a conversation on a spiritual plane that cuts across religious stigmas and gets to the ROOT of the problem – the person’s REAL need.
*Prayer immediately reveals your own values and sets the stage for future encounters.
All it takes is a little holy boldness to step through the door when the opportunity seems to present itself. The opportunity is there 24/7 just be aware and ask God to reveal the opportunities and the Words to Bless them!
*Prayer is having such a relationship with Him that we can bring ANYTHING to His attention.

As you enter the world today, ask a co-worker, a waitress, a person in the store, a friend, your kid, your employer, a teacher, your spouse– if you can pray for him/her about something. You may be surprised at what doors will open as a result.

God has something incredible planned for all of us. its the reason why He wakes us up each morning.
We just need to give ourselves to Him and let His will be done through us, His loyal subjects!!!

Pray pray. WHY?????
Phil. 4: 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
I believe this peace comes because we have purposely been obedient to what God very specifically asked us to do, even though it wasn’t what we wanted to do in our natural self. God loves obedience.

Pray with me—Lord I desire to sow seed to my spirit that will produce the fruit of the spirit. I want to walk right before you and talk right before you. I want my life to be holy and pure and true in your eyesight. I want you to look at me Lord and be pleased at what you see. I will keep my eyes on you Lord and I will do unto others as I would have them do unto me. I will show forth your love I will strive to keep my body under subjection to your word and to your will. I praise your holy name. Lord I thank you. I thank you Lord for all and everything that you are doing in my life and I thank and praise you for a heart that loves you and seeks to do your will. Thank you Lord for creating in me a clean heart and renewing a right, righteous spirit within me, I bless your holy wonderful name today. In Jesus
name I pray. Amen
Col. 3: 12 Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 13 Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

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Are You A Loner?

By Bob / August 7, 2011

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work.” Ecclesiastes 4:9

Have you discovered yet that you are incomplete by yourself?
During my “warrior” stage of life you would have been hard-pressed to convince me that I needed you or anyone else. I wanted to do it ALL by myself. I Sounded like a three year old.

I ask why I wanted to do things alone and not get close to anyone?
This was a good read and a difficult read for me. I have a tendency to shut people out or keep them at a distance because I am afraid of being hurt.
I continually say “As long as I’ve got King Jesus, I don’t need anyone else.” *This is true, BUT God created us to have fellowship with Him AND one another. “RELATIONSHIPS”
*I know that this is one of my weaknesses.
* This makes me ask myself.. how can I make myself more available for fellowship?
I pray that God will continue to build me up in this area.

I know few people willing to admit their need for others, but many who live according to this principle.

However, sooner or later we discover God’s truth regarding our need for others.

God made us to need others. We may not discover this until we fail – fail in a business, a marriage, a close friendship, or in a client relationship. (I managed to fail in them all).
*We are incomplete without the ongoing input from others into our lives.

**An “independent spirit” is one of the most detestable sins from God’s viewpoint.
**It is the highest form of pride. “Pride only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice” (Prov. 13:10).

We are not here for ourselves. We are here to serve and love those who are in need. That is how we show who we are in Christ!!! Amen

1 Corinthians 7:7 I wish that all of you were as I am. But each of you has your own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that.
*God has made each of us so that we have only so many gifts!
*God did not give any of us all the available gifts.
* Hence, WE Learn to depend on others and to Humbly trust others to complete US where we are deficient.

1 Cor. 12:4 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.
Romans 12:6 We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.
Who has God placed in your life to complete you?
* Perhaps it is a mate.
* Perhaps it is a close friend.
* Perhaps it is a business partner.
If you lack this in your life, I encourage you to seek someone out who can speak into your life.
*If you have someone like this, tell him or her how much you appreciate the role he or she plays in your life.

As each part of our physical bodies has a well defined function it is the same for the body of Christ. We should be careful though not to think our selves overly important because of the role we play in the body; it is because we are part of the body why we are important. Without the body our role is insignificant, meaningless.

Jesus had an inner circle of friends made up of Peter, James and John. John had a very special relationship with Jesus.
He was considered to be Jesus’ best friend. It was John who recognized Jesus after the crucifixion when He came to them on the seashore. “Then the disciple whom Jesus loved, said to Peter, ‘It is the Lord!'”(John 21:7).

Do you long to have an intimate relationship with your creator?
*The Lord desires to have the same with you.
*He does not want you to have a mere form of religion, but a relationship whereby you experience His Presence and Power.
*Where you can see God perform His acts of power and love among others.

One of the keys to intimacy is uprightness.
Uprightness means we are living a life of obedience and submission to His will in our lives.
When we live at this place we enter His inner circle.

Pray for God to make your life upright and intimate with Jesus.

When the church Body begins to demonstrate the unity of faith, the unity of shared truth, shared power, and shared life, the world is hit by an inescapable impression that Jesus IS Lord, that He indeed holds the key to History and to Reality, that He IS indeed the revelation of the invisible God.
(Please read John 17:20-26).

Lord, You have made me one with believers in all places in all times. May that unity be reflected in all that I do.
Thank you for my spouse, mate, best friend, partner, encourager- Laura. Thank you for her special gifts that help complete me as Your servant. Thank you Lord for all the other people, with their giftings, helping also to make the Body complete in our world.  Thank You Jesus and help us ALL to see more clearly the Need we have for Community and Unity in each other to enable us to be ALL You want us and the Body to be! Thank You Jesus that The path of life is not for Loners–but relationships serving YOU and giving ALL praise and Glory to YOU !
In Jesus Name. Amen

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By Bob / August 6, 2011


*Faithfulness; a firm adherence to truth or duty manifested over a period of time -loyalty, obedience, persistence

“A faithful man will be richly blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished.” Proverbs 28:20

How important is faithfulness in…….marriage, friendship, relationships, workers, etc.?

-Faithfulness is one of the attributes of Christ and one that we need to attain to be.
– If God were not faithful then all other promises and attributes of God would be null and void.
– We are to be faithful.

Reasons for exhorting faithfulness
1) God is faithful
-He is always true to His word.
-I Cor. 1:9 Lam. 3:22-23

2) Faithful people
II Chr. 16:9
-At the end of it all we want to be one that God finds faithful. God desires us to be on this earth to be faithful.

3) Weariness
It is easy to become weary in well doing.
Gal. 6:9 You will reap if we faint not. It is a marathon. Finish well.

4) Blessings
Pr. 28:20

5) Will be tested
-By the Lord (I Cor. 10:13)
-By Satan (Job)
-By sin (Battle)
All these things will test us and our faithfulness.

Demonstrate faithfulness in

1) The Word of God.
-Ps. 119:9
-Pray and trust God to help us not to slack off and stay faithful during the tough times and ready times.

2) Discipleship
-Mat. 28:20, II Tim. 2:2
-Invest your time into other people through discipleship.

3) Giving
-Cheerful Giving (II Cor. 9:7)
-Faithful Giving (I Cor. 16:2)

4) Serving
-You have been saved to serve. You are to become a servant of God.
Rom. 6:22,Gal. 5:13
-Continue to be a faithful servant of the Lord so that one day you will hear…..”Well done thou good and faithful servant.”
-II Tim. 2:1-13

Outcome verses Obedience!
* There is a distinct difference between the workplace believer who operates based on living in the Promised Land versus the one who operates in Egypt.

*In Egypt, the workplace believer sweats and toils to generate an outcome. The final objective is foremost in their mind. Outcome is everything.

*In the Promised Land, we learn that Obedience is the only thing that matters.
* We are called to execute, and leave outcome to God.
*Sometimes that outcome is very positive, yielding a return.
*In other cases, we may not yield a corresponding return. We may even get a negative outcome.

Hebrews 5: 8. Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered 9 and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him.

The difference is that we know that we have been faithful to what God has called us to and we yield results to God.
*God often blesses obedience beyond what we deserve.
* If God brings wealth to your life, it should come as a by-product of obedience, not an end in itself.

*God may call each of us to be obedient to situations that may not yield immediate, positive results.
** It is in these times that our FAITH must be Obedience-based versus Outcome-based.
*What if Jesus had considered the immediate ramifications of whether he would go to the cross? Based on the immediate outcome, the decision would have been an easy one.
Who wants to die on a cross?
However, for Him there was a higher purpose in that obedience.

We are called to this same kind of obedience!!!!
* This means putting our own flesh on the line daily, dying to our own self-will.

2 John 1:6 And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.

Let’s all of us  serve someone this week…give money or time to a charity…spend time with people who are hurting in some way: be a true friend. Don’t be afraid to love someone seemingly unlovable or even difficult to love/forgive.  Look in front of yourself each day—-God has put someone in your path to encourage and Love in some way!
It will change your life & the life of the other person.

Walking in love is not always the easiest thing for me to do when people treat me wrong or lie about me.
This is an area that is only possible through Christ’s love.
As I’ve been tested lately in this area I know without a doubt that I cannot love the unlovely in my flesh BUT Only as I allow Jesus to be Lord & leader on my life & my love.

Thank you Jesus for being that perfect example of love! Your Love Jesus–Love that is walking in TRUTH in light of God’s word.
Help me to live according to Your word and sharing the gospel with others because this is how we know that we are with You-Jesus, that we would love God with all our heart and that we love others as we love ourself, for these are the two greatest commandments. God, would you help me not to wander from this teaching? I want my relationship with you to be so close that I see people the way that You see them and that when people look at me, that they will see You. Help me to be Faithful this Day!  In Jesus Name. Amen

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Self Control

By Bob / August 5, 2011

God of a second chance! Psalms 51:1-19

God is the only One who can make us genuine by aligning our “feelings” with our “choices”.
“Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place.” Psalm 51:6

*Some People want to be forgiven, but many times their plea for forgiveness leaves them without the slightest desire to really become better people.
*The sad part I have done and witness is Even as they seek cleansing, they fully expect to become dirty the next time.

The Plea for forgiveness and the Desire to live a cleansed life together amount to holiness.
Holiness has about it a preemptive desire for sinlessness.

After self-control alone has failed, the sinner seeks primarily to be forgiven for sin, BUT holiness only results when the person seeks to STOP doing the SIN altogether.

Proverbs 2:6-10
– All wisdom comes from the Lord, and so do common sense and understanding.
– God gives helpful advice to everyone who obeys him and protects all of those who live as they should.
– God sees that justice is done, and he watches over everyone who is faithful to him.
– With wisdom you will learn what is right and honest and fair.

– Wisdom will protect you from evil schemes and from those liars who turned from doing good to live in the darkness.

God has a simple formula for forgiveness and cleansing. It is found in 1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

*If we do this, writes John, we will “walk in the light, as he is in the light”
*Then we will have fellowship with one another (v. 7)

1 John 1:7
– But if we live in the light, as God does, we share in life with each other. And the blood of his Son Jesus washes all our sins away.

Psalm 15:2
– Only those who obey God and do as they should. They speak the truth and don’t spread gossip; they treat others fairly and don’t say cruel things.
*David had to learn, as do we, that we cannot SIN without fracturing our whole world of relationships.

*So our worship centers on our self-control.
*But then so does our entire world of relationships.

Our self-control finds the energy to be consistent in its driving desire to bring pleasure to our Heavenly Father.

God looks at the integrity of our heart. •Integrity encourges us to close conflict. •True integrity is derived from 2 things. 1. Delight yourself in the Lord with his desires for you.
2. Desire truth from HIM. God works in us what he needs to work out of us to complete us.

Psalm 51: 1-19. David is truly broken by the sin he committed. He pleads with God to forgive him, through tear soaked eyes and a faltering voice. David shows true repentance. And the desire, no the need to be clean in Gods presence, to have God “see his sin no more”.

How often have I simply and selfishly asked for Gods forgiveness?
Too many times!
I want to be completely sincere in asking for His forgiveness. I want to be broken as David was. To know that I am forgiven and to need to be clean in Gods sight! To be made white as snow!!

Strive to enter into the Lord’s presence.  Take the time and make the effort to connect.  The Lord says He’s here, but you must come and worship in spirit and in truth.
The issues of life and stress have taken their toll, so come and be refreshed and renewed.  The Lord awaits  our communion.  Come to Him and let the two of you have sweet fellowship together.
*Acts 3:19 “Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.”

How to Master our addictions to SIN!
(That is: Anything that stands in your way, everything that masters you.)
1. Turn and Return to God.
* Repentance of sin(Acts 3:19a) – An awareness of sin- A turning from sin- A change of course – A change of conduct.
2. Share your burden.
Removal of sin(3:19c). Confession of sins – Cleansing from sins.

3. Fight for freedom.
*Weapons for freedom: irrational obedience, confidence in God’s word, relentless prayer.
*Refreshing from God(3:19d). – Restored fellowship- Restored future.

Gen. 4:7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.”
Great help and Wisdom for self-control in these verses: 1 Corinthians 10:13,2 Corinthians 10:3-4, James 5:16, Acts 3:19, Romans 6:12-19.

Lord I ask that you change my heart and mind, to be truly honest and sincere with You! Father I ask You to break my heart for what breaks Yours! Give me the Wisdom and Self-Control to follow You and Give you ALL the Praise and Glory.  In Jesus name, Amen!
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. (Revelation 3:20)

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Do I Doubt?

By Bob / August 4, 2011

Why Do Christians Doubt?
John 12:46 I have come as a light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in me will no longer remain in the dark.
*Our darkest days can often seem to have no end in sight.
For those of us who have walked in “darkness” this verse should serve as a reminder.
“As we Believe, we Receive.”
JESUS is the light that can shine through the darkest of days.
* It is the Belief in Christ that fuels that light!!!!
If we desire freedom from the overcoming darkness ruling this world, we need only to welcome and truly believe in the Lord’s presence in our days.
*It shouldn’t only be in times of “darkness” we seek the “light.”
* Only when Jesus is forever in our heart, will our days be bright once again.

If we believe that God is who He says He is and will do what He has promised, why do so many of us habitually waver in our prayers?
Instead of exercising bold faith, we come to the Lord “hoping” He will hear us and answer our requests, but we’re just not sure He will.
With this kind of thinking, we cannot expect to receive anything from Him.

1John 5:14 And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him.  15 And since we know he hears us when we make our requests, we also know that he will give us what we ask for.

One reason we are so prone to doubt is that we fail to:
*See God at work in our circumstances. We asked, and nothing happened. But the Lord is not some cosmic bellhop who jumps in response to our requests.
*God sees past, present, and future and knows the RIGHT time for Every answer.
*His invisible hand is already at work on our behalf—arranging situations to accomplish His will, opening hearts, and preparing us to receive what He wants to give.

Another cause for uncertainty is “Ignorance”.
If we don’t know God’s ways, we will be disappointed in His response.
James 1:25 But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.

All too often our prayers are accompanied by expectations of how He will work.
When He fails to intervene according to our timetable or anticipated method, we start to doubt.
* But placing our faith in the Lord and trusting in His good and perfect ways gives us stability as we wait for His answer.

Mark 11:24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. 25 And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.”

To overcome doubts:
1.  Spend time in the Word to learn God’s principles and ways. Then you’ll begin to grasp what He wants to achieve in your life and how He goes about it.
2. Examine your past from a biblical perspective—faith will grow as you see the unexpected ways He answered your prayers.

Do not fear the path that God may lead you on. Embrace it. For God may bring you down a path in your life to ensure the reward of your inheritance.
“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all” (2 Cor. 4:17)

We are yoked together with the Lord to do all that is necessary to build the spiritual kingdom of Christ.
That means that the Lord works with you to accomplish what is set before you.  You are not alone; Jesus says: “I am with you”.
By the same token, Jesus will not do the work without your participation.  This is a joint effort when you do your part.  The Lord does not expect you to do His work, so you must not expect Jesus to do what is in Your power to do.  Set your will to use your authority and to take responsibility, but also to accept the Lord’s help, guidance and wisdom.
* Matthew 11:30 “For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

I bless you Lord for your mercy and your love- I bless you Lord for my life. I thank
you dear Lord for your peace. I thank you Lord for provision for when I did not
know where I would get what I needed- you Lord have always made and provided a way when I could see no way. I thank and praise you Lord for ever increasing faith. Help me today Lord to share this faith, to share your word with someone in need. I want to be used by you Lord to touch the life of someone who really needs to know that you are real and that you love them with an everlasting love, use my hands, use my mouth, use my feet, use all of me this day to bring YOU glory Lord. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

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Moving On

By Bob / August 3, 2011

Trusting God is relying upon His ability to accomplish His Will no matter how we feel, what we think, what others believe, or how bad the circumstances may appear.
( See Exodus 14:21)

*Jesus knew that you can’t win them all, and sometimes you have to move on.

Matthew 10:14 If any household or town refuses to welcome you or listen to your message, shake its dust from your feet as you leave.

A spiritually minded man will never come to you with the demand – “Believe this and that;”
BUT A spiritually minded man will come to you with the Demand that you square your life with the “Standards of Jesus”.
*You will not be popular, BUT See for YOURSELF what the Bible says about your OWN circumstance and thoughts and take Action for YOURSELF to follow Christ.
*Don’t just listen to man’s ideas BUT GO TO THE TRUTH.
*Without the TRUTH there is only power and Manipulation left to try convince you of man’s idea of what the truth says to fit their agenda!!!!!!

*Always keep your life measured by the Standards of Jesus.
*Is there Respect, Honor, Wisdom, Love for the Truth, Responsibility, Accountability…..?

Mark 6:11 But if any place refuses to welcome you or listen to you, shake its dust from your feet as you leave to show that you have abandoned those people to their fate.
**We see here how to react when someone rejects God’s Bibical truths. We leave it behind and move on.

Matthew 24:4  And Jesus answered them, “See that no one leads you astray.
People are NOT readily LOYAL. God’s will is not hard to understand just hard to accept. (Roman 7:14 Philippians 3. Job 1:6)
*You cannot hear the word of God and not be effected.
* It will either draw you near or push you away.

*Folks sometimes don’t want to know the TRUTH because their truth is based on a LIE.
* Be careful of the company that you keep!!!!!
*When you go out into the world you go ready for a fight,
* but in the church sometimes, you have your guard down which is why you can get HURT the most by those in the church.

LIVE Your life in a way that you NEED God and you NEED others. We need community.  Don’t let Manipulation bring you down-be on guard to see and to discern it. Don’t fall into a trap of Justifying a lie!

*Manipulation is getting what you want by ignoring or harming the desires of others.
*Manipulation is understanding and utilizing almost any means necessary (usually discreetly and unknown to the person being manipulated) to get what they want for their agenda-NOT looking at God’s Standards.
*Often manipulators understand how people think and what things they can say or discreetly do to motivate people to do what THEY want!  Not what God wants! A way to Justify themselves to get others aboard to fulfill their agenda.
* Manipulation can also be used in the sense of changing things, like manipulating clay to make a toy figurine – so I guess maybe a better definition would be using the ability to change aspects of an object or situation to fulfill Your Personal Desires or Motivations.

*Manipulators use charm, persuasion, coaxing, trickery, and misdirection.
*The underlying idea is “I have to fool people to make them give me what I want.”
* When they are really caught up in their ploys, manipulators even imagine that they are doing their victims a favor.
You can catch yourself falling into this behavior when you aren’t listening to other people, when you ignore what they want and when you pretend that your desires cost nobody else a price.

There are also external signs. The presence of a manipulator brings tension, strain, complaints and conflict to a situation.
Some people use passive manipulations – they come up with “poor me” scenarios to coax sympathy and pity out of others.
-Or they lay subtle guilt trips with the aim of making others think that what they want is wrong.

Manipulation comes to an end when you stop assuming that YOUR desires are all-important.
Then you can reconnect with others and begin to Trust that their desires might be aligned with yours.

When there is no manipulation, people feel that what they want counts. They trust that you are on their side; you aren’t seen as a performer or salesperson. No one feels that he or she is being fooled.

Pride is the belief in your own importance, dignity, or a favorable idea/view of yourself for multiple reasons. Most people have some kind of pride, but the degree of pride can be different.
You may have pride in your morals, but not necessarily in your self image or vice versa.

Are you guilty of manipulation and controlling your circumstances to make your life more comfortable.

If you aren’t controlling your own flesh, your flesh is controlling you. Use prayer, confession, & repentance to train yourself.

So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don’t get tied up again in slavery to the law.
Galatians 5:1

You will have opportunities in the days ahead to solve both short-term and long-standing problems.  If you will set your heart to know the solution, God will give you the wisdom necessary for breakthrough.  But, you must seek the Lord and His TRUTH and believe that JESUS will help you.
As you know, double-mindedness gets you nothing!!!
Your singleness of mind and faith will give you the answers you need, the progress you desire and the breakthrough you’ve longed for.

James 1:5-8  If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.  But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.   For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.

Let us Pray together–Lord I press through all the thoughts that would hold me back, I press dear Lord toward you. I will not look to my right, I will not look to my left but I will keep my eyes totally and  completely on you Lord my savior, my deliverer, my redeemer, my life, my all, my everything. I will activate my faith this day and I will walk by faith and not by what I see or what I may be even thinking. I will set my mind to meditating on your word- I will speak your word within my heart and my mind. I will stand on your word
Lord. I speak your word Lord which is life to the dead situations in my life. I
will come alive in you Lord Jesus. I thank you. I thank you Lord for doing exceeding and abundantly above all that I ask or think in my life. I bless your holy name.
In Jesus name I pray. Amen

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Set Free!

By Bob / August 2, 2011

If you aren’t controlling your flesh, your flesh is controlling you. Use prayer, confession, & repentance to train yourself.

So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don’t get tied up again in slavery to the law.
Galatians 5:1

A spiritually minded man will never come to you with the demand – “Believe this and that;” but with the demand that you square your life with the Standards of Jesus.
*Always keep your life measured by the Standards of Jesus.
*Is there Respect, Honor, Wisdom, Love for the Truth, Responsibility, Accountability…..?

Don’t get impatient, remember how God dealt with you – with patience and with gentleness; BUT NEVER water down the Truth of God.
* Let the TRUTH of God have its way and NEVER apologize for it. Jesus said, “Go and make disciples,” not “make converts to your opinions.”

Galatians 5::13 For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love.
*Many people wrongly assume that because we have freedom that we can do anything WE want.
*Just because I have freedom of speech does that mean I can go around and destroy people with my words?
*Just because I have freedom does that mean I can choose activities that would harm others?

Our freedom from the law and religion is not to be used in Selfish Pursuits… rather the freedom we have in Christ is to be used in the Pursuit of Service to others.

*Choose to use your freedom to love others, with TRUTH placing them before yourself.

Watch for the temptation to be discontent, for this will lead to negative attitudes that will seduce you away from the Lord’s blessings for you.  Be strong and choose to be thankful for all that He has have given you and all that God has given you to do.  Thankfulness will create a spiritual atmosphere that attracts goodness.  Be diligent to maintain a positive outlook, for it will benefit you greatly.

1 Timothy 6:6 Now godliness with contentment is great gain.
*God wants us to not to be caught up in worldly possessions but know that our rewards are in heaven.

For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God.” 1 Peter 4:17

The Christian worker must never forget that salvation is God’s thought, not man’s.
*Salvation is the great thought of God, not an Experience.
*Experience is only a gateway by which salvation comes into our conscious life. *Never preach the experience; preach the great thought of God behind.
* When we preach we are not proclaiming how man can be saved from hell and be made moral and pure;
*we are conveying good news about God.

In the teachings of Jesus Christ the element of Judgment is always brought out, it is the sign of God’s love.
* NEVER sympathize with a soul who finds it difficult to get to God, God is not to blame.
*It is not for us to find out the reason why it is difficult, BUT so to present the TRUTH of God that the Spirit of God will show what is wrong.
* The great sterling test in preaching is that it brings everyone to judgment. *The Spirit of God locates each one to himself.

If Jesus ever gave us a command He could not enable us to fulfill, He would be a liar; and if we make our inability a barrier to obedience, it means we are telling God there is something He has not taken into account.
* Every element of self-reliance must be slain by the power of God.
* Complete Weakness and dependence will always be the occasion for the Spirit of God to manifest His power.

We are promised trials. It is very easy for us to focus on the circumstances around us and the pain we are feeling instead of looking up to Him.
We have to try our best to step back and look at the big picture.
* God is in control and will be glorified through our trial.
*Our testimony and faith are being built up.
*Our trials are just a small taste of the suffering that Jesus went through. We cannot begin to empathize with what He endured. We will glorify Him by enduring our trials well.

Philippians 3:10. I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead. I want to suffer with him, sharing in his death,
* To know Him in the Power Of His Resurrection is to know the Holy Spirit. By the power of the Holy Spirit Jesus was raised from the dead. When your sufferings bring you to the brink of death the Holy Spirit Resurrects you.

Galations 2: 20 My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Do not fear the path that God may lead you on. Embrace it. For God may bring you down a path in your life to ensure the reward of your inheritance. “For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all” (2 Cor. 4:17)

Wisdom is better than knowledge. Knowledge is raw information. Wisdom is knowing how to put that information in Action.

Eccl. 7:14 Enjoy prosperity while you can, but when hard times strike, realize that both come from God.
Remember that nothing is certain in this life.
We are often easy to blame someone if we had a bad day. This is a good reminder that God governs both, and we govern how we think about them. Often we can learn more from the bad ones, but take the good ones for granted.

God let me accept each day for what it is, a gift from you. Help me to learn and see your care when I failed and your love when you provided joy. Help us Keep our Eyes on Jesus and Stay on the path of Truth no matter the circumstances. In Jesus Name Amen

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Need Any Help?

By Bob / August 1, 2011

Broken Life?  Help and direction is right here in Nehemiah Chapters 1-7.

This great book of Nehemiah is one of the most helpful pictures we have of how to recover from broken lives.
The steps that Nehemiah took covers seven chapters of this book. They are specific steps, orderly–and very effective! Taken in order they will lead to a full Recovery of Usefulness.

Nehemiah 1:11 O Lord, please hear my prayer! Listen to the prayers of those of us who delight in honoring you. Please grant me success today by making the king favorable to me. Put it into his heart to be kind to me.”
*Prayer is not a substitute for Action, prayer is the predecessor, and moves us to Action.

Nehemiah chapters 1-7 is a great read.
Book of Nehemiah is:
* About leadership integrity and character.
* Also about bringing people of God together.

Nehemiah did his part as well as everyone else. There was a strategy! *Leadership without strategy is void.
* Keep your trust in GOD and know it will be tested.
*It Is vital to have vision to keep hope alive.
* When pressure is on you , you will reach your potential.
* Best way to fulfill vision in your life, is to DO something. (Acts 26:14).

As we say in Moving Forward: “A Vision without Action is a Delusion”!

‘You see the trouble we are in’-
*How do you react when the going gets tough?
*Do you collapse in despair and succeed only in making your troubles seem even bigger than they really are?
*There is a better way of dealing with our problems.
**Believing that ‘the hand of his God was upon him for good’,

The men and women of the past have been through these same difficulties, and they have told us how to handle them.

Nehemiah looks at the problem – ‘Jerusalem lies in ruins’- and sets about solving it – ‘Come. let us build the wall of Jerusalem’(2:17-18).

If we take Jerusalem as a symbol of our own lives, there are many of us who fit this description.
You look back on your life:
*You see there are places where the walls have been broken down.
*There is no longer any ability left to resist destructive attacks.
*You have fallen victim to sinful habits that you now find difficult to break.
This is the kind of ruin that is described here in Nehemiah.

Our problems may be great!
BUT Our God is greater!

When your problems threaten to overwhelm you, remember this:
*God has ‘redeemed us by His great power and His mighty hand’. (Nehemiah1:3-6,10).

There is no greater problem than our SIN and God has dealt with that problem.
* Christ has ‘put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself’(Hebrews 9:26). ‘Pack up your troubles’ and take them to Jesus!(Nehemiah2:19-4:9)

Preparation takes time.
There were about 6mths between chap 1 and 2 here. Sometimes God is working and sometimes we have things to prepare too!

Let us not Move Forward unprepared!! And our best way to do so, is to do like he did, pray. Seek God’s plans. If He has put something on your heart, he will prepare the way.

We often want to just go and do. But without Prayer and Preparation, we will fail!!!!
Prayer, Prep, and Timing are everything to a mission.

Serving the Lord is not easy. There are always those who ‘mock and ridicule’ the Lord’s servants (2:19; 4:1-3).

What are we to do when we encounter this type of thing?
* We must pray to God and we must work for Him – ‘The God of heaven will make us prosper, and we His servants will arise and build’(4:4-6; 2:20).

When we face determined opposition from the enemies of Christ and His Gospel, we must pray and we must be practical – ‘we prayed to our God and set a guard as a protection against them day and night’(4:9).

*We need to know our God – ‘the people who know their God will be strong’.
*We need to know our enemy – ‘we are not ignorant about Satan’s scheming’. When Satan comes to us, we must be ready for him and we ‘must firmly resist him’- in the Name of Christ (Daniel 11:32; 2 Corinthians 2:11).

We are not far today from the troubles that Nehemiah fought for over 12 years.  **We need to Feed and Return to the Word of God!!!

How many people around you, know that you follow Jesus?
*Nehemiah understood the significance of his people and their city.
*He knew he both needed to be resurrected and transformed.
*He made “bold choices”
**Nehemiah, like Jesus, wanted to see God revealed to His people in His city.

*He understood that the Real Work came in peoples HEARTS.
* We must ALL repair the”spiritual walls” in our own hearts.

Imagine This… If we desire to see God’s Kingdom advance in our days, we are called to RETHINK the way we live.

What kind of people are we?(Nehemiah 7:1-73) Are we ‘faithful and God-fearing’ people’ (2)?
It is so easy to lose our way and become ‘unclean’(64)?
What are we to do when we lose our way, when we forget the Lord, when we wander away from Him?
*** We must Return to the Lord. We must begin again with Him:
* confessing our sin,
*receiving His forgiveness
*and learning to live in the power of the Holy Spirit.

These words may help you to make a new beginning with God:
*‘There’s a way back to God from the dark paths of sin. There’s a door that is open and you may go in: at Calvary’s Cross is where you begin, when you come as a sinner to Jesus’. ‘Cleanse me from my sin, Lord. Put Thy power within, Lord. Take me as I am, Lord, and make me all Thine own…’ (words from song).

Nehemiah 7:1-4 Nehemiah, having finished the wall, returned to the Persian court, and came to Jerusalem again with a New Commission.
* The public safety depends on every one’s care to guard himself and his family against sin.

Thank You, Father, for giving me another day to bring glory to you and that You reveal my own brokenness, not in order to condemn me, but to rebuild my life. Help me see Lord daily. I give to You all that is in ruins and ask that You rebuild me into the person You want me to be.  Father I bless your name today. I thank you Lord for your love and your kindness- for waking me up this morning and I thank you Lord for all that you have
done, all that you are doing in my life and I thank you Lord for what you will bring forth in my life to bring YOU glory and honor.   I thank you Lord that I do not live and walk by what my naked eye sees but that I walk by faith believing that you Lord God will work out ALL things for my good, that you
Lord God will cause my life to bring YOU glory. I will continue to seek you Lord with all my heart, with all my mind,
with all my strength with all that is within me and I will bless your holy name.  In Jesus Name, Amen

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Personal Resurrection

By Bob / July 31, 2011

HOLINESS is not what you don’t do, it’s being set apart, Separated From Sin.

” My aim is to know him, to experience the power of his resurrection, to share in his sufferings, and to be like him in his death,  and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead”.  (Philippians 3:10-11).

*To Experience His resurrection is to give our heart to God.
*To Participate in His sufferings is to trust God in ALL the trials life brings our way.
*To be Like Him in death is to keep an eternal perspective while living.

Paul tells us to do all these things & then says that “somehow” we may attain personal resurrection. Somehow denotes mystery. Somehow denotes a faith in God that surpasses human understanding & logic.

The process doesn’t come with 10 steps or 5 steps or 3 steps but rather 1 step given to Moses & the Israelites before Jesus was even on the scene:
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul & mind.” (Deuteronomy 6:5)

When we do this we will know Christ & experience personal resurrection!

Apostle Paul wanted to know the Power of Christ Resurrection and His Suffering. If we know the value in sharing in Christ Sufferings our maturity comes graciously.
*To know Him in the Power Of His Resurrection is to know the Holy Spirit. *By the power of the Holy Spirit Jesus was raised from the dead.
*When your sufferings bring you to the brink of death the Holy Spirit Resurrects you.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is all about power. When I say this, I don’t only mean the divine power that raised Jesus from the dead. Of course, that kind of power is absolutely miraculous, and it could come only from God himself.
*Christ’s resurrection speaks of another power in addition to that supernatural event. And this power could only come from God as well.
**I’m talking about a Power that Causes us to live holy lives…
*to be free from sin’s dominion…
*to overcome EVERY Temptation, Habit and Lust known to man…
*to walk in a Righteousness that comes from God alone, by Faith.

To obtain this power is to know Christ in the power of his resurrection.

The apostle Paul speaks of this kind of resurrection power. He had a profound inner longing to know Christ and that hunger came from his own deep cry for holiness.
The apostle had a revelation about the resurrection of Christ and this revelation had to do with power.
He writes: “Jesus Christ our Lord…was made of the seed of David according to the flesh; and declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead” (Romans 1:3-4).

*HOLINESS Yes HOLINESS-  is not what you don’t do, it’s being set apart, Separated From Sin. (HOLINESS)

Luke 14:25-33
•Salvation is a free gift, but it will cost you your WHOLE life.
*If something doesn’t cost anything, it’s not worth anything. Even your faith.

*Paul saw something incredible in the resurrection and while it overwhelmed him with joy, it also answered his lifelong cry for holiness.
In short, Paul saw that Jesus had come to earth as a man, with the power of heaven resting upon him.
*Christ had demonstrated this divine power while on earth: healing the sick, setting captives free, raising the dead, giving eternal life.
*Jesus had been raised from the dead himself and his resurrection was accompanied by a divine proclamation that he was “the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead” (Romans 1:4)

*What His Resurrection Means

1. Jesus is the person he claimed to be.
“…who through the Spirit of holiness was appointed the Son of God in power by his resurrection from the dead: Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 1:4)

2. Jesus has the power he claimed to have.
“His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.” (2 Peter 1:3,4) Acts 2:24

What does it mean to be SET FREE?
Then Jesus said to those Judeans who had believed him, “If you continue to follow my teaching, you are really my disciples  and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”John 8:31,32

* Freedom from the pain of your past.
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” (Isaiah 43:18,19) Psalm 34
(pain of regret) 6God doesn’t want you living in a prison of guilt.

* Freedom from the pressures of the present.
“I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:23)
We need a purpose & we need a power.

* Freedom from anxiety about the future.
“Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds his people both now and forevermore.” (Psalm 125:1,2)

God is a God of order, not disorder. The universe, which Psalm 19 says declares the glory of God and Romans 1 says it reflects the character of God, is not an irrational universe.
It is very logical and very orderly. Why? *Because it reflects His very nature. When He speaks to us in His Word, He does so with great order, logic and rationale.

Delight yourself in the Lord!
He desires that you seek him with all your heart and trust Him.
He is faithful and trustworthy.
“But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith without any doubting…James 1:5-6

Lord I want to unashamedly follow YOU, not  looking back to my past but to the goal of seeing Jesus and Realize who we are called to be as Christians which have the power to have Freedom from past sins and guilt. Lord thank you for Your Word. Help me in my” Desire to Know” (I have to get my mind off of worldly things and on holy things).
Lord, Help me understand and put into action: “Your Holy Spirit Power in the Resurrection” (I’ll only experience the power of a resurrected life when I desire to know Christ. To love is to be resurrected from my selfishness).
Lord help me to ” Fellowship in Your Sufferings”(Denying myself daily, as a disciple of Jesus Christ). Thank You Lord that when I’m denying myself daily, I’m allowing myself to be an ambassador of Jesus and acknowledging others.  Thank you Lord for showing me this day that   ” To be Resurrected, takes suffering”. Thank You God that it’s not by Crucifixion.
Help me Lord: “to Become Like Jesus in Death through Resurrection”.   Thank you Lord for showing us again; that When we desire to know YOU, and participate in the fellowship of sharing in YOUR sufferings, we become like YOU. This IS the resurrected lifestyle, this IS the righteousness that comes through faith in Christ, this IS attaining the resurrection from the dead; the world. Thank YOU JESUS! Amen

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