Devotions - Prayer

Eternal Life!

By Bob / March 10, 2024

Jesus taught that our perspective in life, the way we view the world, affects every detail of our lives. Therefore it is of utmost importance. How we view God and how we think God views us will be of great importance..

Two areas to look at with the contrasts of views (eternal vs. temporal)

We live our lives on the basis of our belief system. BUT where do we get our beliefs from?

People act on what they BELIEVE to be true even if their beliefs are not true.
TEMPORAL VIEW: (1 Corinthians 1:20-25)
Here everything is relative. There are no absolutes. Because our human perspective is based on knowledge and experience, it is limited and incomplete.
ETERNAL VIEW: (1 Corinthians 2:6-9)
An eternal perspective enables us to live in light of God’s truth rather than what we perceive to be true through our limited knowledge.

Living according to God’s wisdom will appear to be foolishness to the world but is based on the true measure of reality: God’s eternal Truth. John 14:6 Psalm 119:160

It is easy to believe the wisdom of men and thus pursue VALUES with our own interests and comfort as the goal. However, what satisfies and gratifies us now is not necessarily in our best interest in light of eternity.

Left to ourselves, we’re stubborn, prideful, sinful, and utterly hopeless.

But praise God that Jesus Christ has done the work I couldn’t— taking away my sins, and given me eternal life when I certainly didn’t deserve it!
• Any chance you had of getting to heaven on your own was destroyed by sin.
But Christ destroyed the power of sin on the cross to give you & me eternal life if we’ll only trust in Him.
• Put your faith in Christ, not yourself, for eternal life. It’s His work alone that can save you!

The true perspective is that, if we are Christians, we do not belong to this world. Our true home is in heaven. If this is our view, then we will not want to have anything to do with the world’s values. We are just passing through this life!

How to Develop an Eternal Perspective. (Eph. 5:18, Col. 3:16)
This involves both taking in the truth and acting on it.

Thank you Jesus for loving us so much you took our sins away at the cross and now through You we have Victory over this world.  Amen


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By Bob / March 9, 2024

“Contend, O Lord, with those who contend with me; fight against those who fight against me. Take up shield and buckler; arise and come to my aid. Brandish spear and javelin against those who pursue me. Say to my soul, “I am your salvation.””Psalm 35:1–3

That was a prayer of David in a time of deep distress, a time when he felt himself surrounded by enemies pressing in against him and he saw no way to keep them out.


So He cried out to the Lord and said, “Lord, take Your stand against my enemies. Take up Your mighty spiritual weapons and block the way against them.”

The great conclusive answer to that prayer of David came through David’s greater son, the Lord Jesus Christ, about a thousand years later.


On the cross, Jesus did just that.

  • He blocked the way against all the enemies of our soul.
  • He stopped the way.
  • He put an end to Satan’s claims.
  • He set a limit to Satan’s territory.
  • He created a boundary that Satan cannot pass over.

Remember this: the cross is God’s great stop sign.
The devil may be moving in against us at full speed, but when we put up the cross, he slams on his brakes and comes to a screeching halt because he cannot pass the cross. That’s where Jesus stopped the way against all our enemies.     Now that is victory!  SEE 1 JOHN 4:4
Eph. 6:11 Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil.


2 Corinthians 10:3 We are human, but we don’t wage war as humans do. 4 We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments.


God will come to my rescue against my enemies.  But David also spoke to God about praying for his enemies.


*I will put faith in God regarding the evil powers of this world. I know that HE will protect me and my family.

*I will also pray for my enemies.

Lord thank you for this glorious day of your protection. Thank you for your unfailing love and your mercy never seize.   Again thank you and we love you. We bring back all the honor and glory through the beautiful name of Jesus Christ. Amen

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By Bob / March 7, 2024

Be humble and give more honor to others than to yourselves” (Philippians 2:3b ).

Pride destroys relationships. It shows up in a lot of different ways, like criticism, competition, stubbornness, and superficiality.

The problem with pride is it’s self-deceiving. Everybody else can see it in us but us. When you have a problem with pride, you don’t see it in your life.

Proverbs 16:18 says, “Pride leads to destruction; a proud attitude brings ruin”.     I love this verse in the Message paraphrase: “First pride, then the crash — the bigger the ego, the harder the fall.”

  • Pride destroys relationships, but humility is the antidote to pride.
  • Humility builds relationships.

The Bible says in 1 Peter 3:8, “Live in harmony, be sympathetic, love each other, have compassion, and be humble”.

How are you and I going to grow in humility?

It happens by letting Jesus Christ begin to control our thoughts and hearts and attitudes and reactions. He’s got to be a part of this. Ephesians 4:23-24 says, “Let the Spirit change your way of thinking and make you into a new person” .

How do you become a new person? How do you start to think in a different way?

The basic law of relationships is this: You tend to become like the people you spend time with.

  • If you spend time with grumpy people, you get grumpier.
  • If you spend time with people in addictions, you get addicted.
  • If you spend time with people that have gratitude, you have gratitude.
  • If you spend time with happy people, you get happier.
  • If you spend time with selfish people, you become selfish.
  • If you spend time with people who do not respect others, you will not respect others.

If you want to have more humility, spend time with Jesus Christ. He is humble. He wants a relationship with you. He wants you to spend time with him in prayer and reading his Word and talking to him. He is humble, and as you get to know him, you’ll become more like him.

“Be humble and give more honor to others than to yourselves … You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had. Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to” (Philippians 2:3b, 5-6.

No one has done anything more humble than Jesus, coming from Heaven to Earth to become a man, live for us, give his life for us, and be resurrected for us.

When you spend time with him, it makes you more humble, and that builds your relationships.


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By Bob / March 5, 2024

Join us tonight for    from 5 to 8 for prayer, healing free food and music!

A stronghold is a fortress of thoughts that controls and influences our attitudes.

Some of the things God brings up from our hidden chambers have been lifelong strongholds of the enemy. They may appear as “giants” when we seek to break free of them, but God is already the Victor! You will see His salvation if you faint not.
“But Moses said to the people, ‘Do not fear! Stand by and see the salvation of the Lord which He will accomplish for you today; for the Egyptians whom you have seen today, you will never see them again forever.'” Exodus 14:13

Remember:*EACH person is given something to do that SHOWS who God is!  This gifting God has given each one of us is an OUTLET for the OVERFLOW of GOD’S LOVE in our lives for others.

Coming Out of the Stronghold

“Do not stay in the stronghold. Go into the
land of Judah“… – 1 Samuel 22:5

David and his fighting men had been hiding in the cave of Adullam. He was fleeing Saul. Many of life’s down-and-out had come and joined David’s army.
David was content to stay in the stronghold of safety.
Then, God’s prophet came to David and told him that he must leave the stronghold and go into the land of Judah.
When life beats down on us and we get to the place where we want to hide in a cave, God often places people around us who prod us into moving in the right direction.
God does not want us to remain in the place of discouragement. He wants us to move into the land of “praise.”
Judah means “praise.”

Our attitude must move from discouragement to praise.
It is when we move past discouragement to praise that we begin living above our problems.

The way is open for you to come boldly before the Lord’s throne of grace.
Do not be afraid or hesitate.  Come and let Him speak to your heart, for you need wisdom and direction for the days ahead.
Listen for the Lord’s still small voice, and you will hear.  “I will guide your steps, and lead you to  victory.”
Hebrews 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of  grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

God help me to put my trust in You today. To trust in my relationship with You and my knowledge of Your love, justice and righteousness. Amen

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By Bob / March 4, 2024

1 John 2:2  And he(Jesus) is the propitiation for our sins: and not for our’s only, but also for the sins of the whole world.
*Jesus  is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.
*Jesus Christ, is our advocate who pleads our case before God when we sin. He is the ONLY atonement that satisfies God. So NO WORKS OF THE FLESH can atone for our sins.

What Does “Propitiation” Mean? Propitiation is a big word that means satisfaction.
Because God is a holy God, His anger and justice burns against sin. And He has sworn that sin will be punished.


There must be a satisfactory payment for sin.

*But God said, “If I punish man for his sin, man will die and go to hell.
*On the other hand, if I don’t punish man for his sin, My justice will never be satisfied.”

The solution?

*God said that He would become our substitute.
*He would take the sin of mankind upon Himself in agony and blood—a righteous judgment and substitute for sin.

His wrath burned out on the cross when His only Son died as man’s propitiation for sin. And this is love.


1 John 4:10 This is what love is: it is not that we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the means by which our sins are forgiven.

Rejoice and be glad for the Lord has wonderful plans for you fulfilling His eternal purpose through you!
Isaiah 43:19  Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
Dear Jesus, I will never know what you suffered and felt, and for that I am grateful. My heart hurts when I do try to wrap my brain around what was truly done to you. Yet, I know that the pain was temporary, as massive as it was. And I love you SO much for taking the pain of my sins so that I can have the promise of eternal life. I ask that you walk with me through this life, helping me to avoid sin. Sin leads to damnation, and the pain you suffered was the pain of our collective damnation! If I think that my sins would lead to my eternal suffering, I know that I never want myself or my loved ones to face that forever. I want to live with you forever! Amen.
John 17:3 And eternal life means to know you, the only true God, and to know Jesus Christ, whom you sent.
* Eternal life requires entering into a personal relationship with God in Jesus Christ. When we admit our sin and turn away from it, Christ’s love lives in us by the Holy Spirit.

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By Bob / March 2, 2024

The Cross has been forgotten in many Christian homes and churches, simply because we have chosen to place our human happiness above God’s Will.

  “For the word of the cross is to those who are perishing foolishness, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”. 1 Corinthians 1:18

Take Up His Cross Daily

Can you recall Jesus’ radical philosophy: “Be a servant, give to others”?

The basis of that statement is tucked away in Luke 9:23.

Following Christ is a costly, unselfish decision. He says: “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me.”
When you look closely at Jesus’ statement, a couple of things seem important.
*First, those who desire to follow Him closely must come to terms with self-denial.
*And second, this decision to give ourselves to others (taking up our cross) has to be a daily matter.


Some questions we must ask and answer ourselves are:

*Am I serious about being a follower of Jesus Christ?

*Do I think of others to such an extent that self-denial is becoming the rule rather than the exception in my life?

*Is my walk with Him a daily thing?

*A thorough self-examination is one of the requisites for following closely. Paul tells us to abound in generosity, be givers, be people who excel in unselfishness. That’s costly stuff, terribly expensive. Can we pay the price?

2 Corinthians 2:14 Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in  Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.

When I believe the Good News of the cross the power of God becomes a reality in my life.

Lord I thank you for your indwelling presence in my life made possible by the work of Christ on the cross. Amen

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When we Blow It

By Bob / December 27, 2022

Even when we blow it badly and fail to remain an open, cleansed vessel for the Lord, He doesn’t stop loving us.

“The steps of a man are established by the Lord…When he falls, he shall not be hurled headlong; because the Lord is the One who holds his hand.”  Psalm 37:23-24


” Then he(Jesus) said to them(disciples), “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.”” (Mt 26:38).
*Jesus shares his burden with his disciples. He cared about his disciples and valued His relationship with them. Relationships are important to Jesus. Even as a leader, He shows His humility.
*In times of sorrow and despair Jesus prays.
Even Jesus, who has a perfect relationship with God, still needs to much more do we need to pray to remain in the Fathers will?
*When we pray we align our will to His. It’s accepting God’s call….not changing God but me.
*Can we tell God that it’s ok to do things His way? Do we trust Him enough? Can we submit? And obey? (Read Psalms 139:23-24)

*Obeying God is a decision WE make.

Hebrews 5: 8 Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered. 

Often the place of our greatest pain becomes the place of our greatest triumph.
Gethsemane was the place of Jesus’ greatest trial.
Three times He asked the Father to let this trial pass. It was not to be.

*The Father sent His Son to the cross to pay a debt owed by humanity.
*It was a personal battle to persevere.

The Word of God makes it clear that “whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Rom. 10:13); “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me” (Rev. 3:20); and “whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely” (Rev. 22:17). No one has ever been denied the opportunity to accept salvation (Ti. 2:11).


“We Fight FROM Victory—Not FOR Victory!
John 4:4 You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

Thank You Lord that You are always there for us, watching over us, protecting us, and giving us strength. No matter what we’re facing today, Thank You that I can just turn to You. Help me Believe and Know that Jesus will pull us through anything because He will without question.  (Col. 2:2-3). Amen

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Hanging on to Past Sin?

By Bob / December 7, 2022

The bow is seen in the clouds.  Genesis 9:14

The rainbow, the symbol of the covenant with Noah, foreshadows our Lord Jesus, who is the Lord’s witness to the people.

When may we expect to see the token of the covenant? The rainbow is only to be seen painted upon a cloud. When the sinner’s conscience is dark with clouds, when he remembers his past sin and mourns and laments before God, Jesus Christ is revealed to him as the covenant Rainbow, displaying all the glorious hues of the divine character and declaring peace.

To the believer, when his trials and temptations surround him, it is sweet to behold the person of our Lord Jesus Christ—to see Him bleeding, living, rising, and pleading for us. God’s rainbow is hung over the cloud of our sins, our sorrows, and our woes, to prophesy deliverance. By itself a cloud does not give a rainbow; there must be the crystal drops to reflect the light of the sun.

So, our sorrows must not only threaten, but they must really fall upon us. There would have been no Christ for us if the vengeance of God had been merely a threatening cloud: Punishment must fall in terrible drops upon Him.

Until there is a real anguish in the sinner’s conscience, there is no Christ for him; until the chastisement that he feels becomes grievous, he cannot see Jesus.

But there must also be a sun; for clouds and drops of rain do not make rainbows unless the sun shines. Beloved, our God, who is as the sun to us, always shines, but we do not always see Him—clouds hide His face; but no matter what drops may be falling or what clouds may be threatening, if He shines there will be a rainbow at once.

It is said that when we see the rainbow, the shower is over.

It is certain that when Christ comes, our troubles withdraw; when we look on Jesus, our sins vanish, and our doubts and fears subside. When Jesus walks upon the waters of the sea, how profound the calm!  Amen


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Laying Down Our Life for the Bride

By Bob / December 6, 2022

Laying Down Our Life for the Bride
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 1 by Os Hillman
Thursday, November 05 2015

“Therefore My Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This command I have received from My Father” (John 10:17,18).
Jesus was called to lay down His life for His bride, the Church. Men are called to emulate this same “laying down” our lives for our wives – our earthly brides. Men are to be a physical representation of what Christ has done for each of us. As we men do this, we experience the love of the Father. Wives will experience the love of the Father as husbands do this. Most of us men fight this process due to our own insecurities, independence, pride and ego. However, it is the very laying down our lives that allows us to connect to the Father just as Jesus connected to His Father.
It is in the sacrificial, free will act that this occurs. This activates in the woman a response of love that allows the man to experience a deep love that is rooted in the Father but channeled from the wife, the one we lay our lives down for. Jesus did not feel something was being taken from Him because He chose to give it willingly. Conversely, if husbands lay down willingly their lives, they will not feel something is being taken. It is when husbands defend, negotiate and withdraw from the needs of a woman that it negates this process. When we think we are being used or manipulated against our will, we believe others are trying to control us and we resist. Jesus did not do this. He gave willingly. Men must realize they are the initiators called to lay down their lives for their wives. Women respond to this sacrificial act by giving their heart and physical love to their husbands. Both husband and wife experience the love of the Father when this happens.
Giving up our lives for our wives feels like just that – giving up our life. We give up rights, privileges, and desires. We focus only on them. When we become dead, God loves us by giving us the desires of our heart. We give up life, in order to gain it. “For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it” (Matthew 16:25).
This is what it means when Jesus laid down His life for His bride. This is what it means when Paul said: “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish” (Eph 5:25-28).
This principle is key to impacting the marketplace for Jesus Christ. The family has been greatly wounded by a failure to understand this principle. This has also led men and women to become slaves instead of sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father. Today, if you are a husband, commit yourself to laying down your life for your bride.


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Is Doubt Draining Your Hope?

By Bob / December 4, 2022

“And we desire each one of you to show the same earnestness to have the full assurance of hope until the end,  so that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” (Hebrews 6:11–12)

*I see a call to endurance– to run the race (it’s a marathon) that has been set before us.

*To seek and strive for a closer and deeper relationship with our Savior and never be happy standing still.

*Spiritual sluggishness is a manifestation of unbelief.
*Spiritual sluggishness is a sign that there’s something about God that we doubt and it’s draining our hope, which means it’s draining our energy and drive.
**We’re not giving it all we have because –we doubt it’s worth the effort.

Spiritual sluggishness is not to be tolerated; it’s to be fought.  (Hebrews 3:19).

Spiritual sluggishness is a weight that needs to be laid aside (Hebrews 12:2). So how do you do that?

1. Identify the doubt.
*Sluggishness has a cause. What is sapping your faith?

2. Repent. Unbelief is a sin.

*Seek to actively turn from it.

3. Target that unbelief with Biblical truth.
*Stop whatever else you may be doing for devotional reading and focus on and pray through texts that deal directly with this issue.
*Lay aside your other book reading and read things that address this doubt.

4. Don’t go it alone.
*Humble yourself and share your struggle with trusted counselors God has given you.
**Humility is not being humble when God does a miracle through you. It is when even before you do it and through it that it is all God none of you.
*Our great Coach often speaks through assistant coaches (Hebrews 3:13).


Spiritual sluggishness is common to man (1 Corinthians 10:13). We all experience it. In the slog of our long faith-race and the adversity we encounter from the world, our flesh, and the devil (Ephesians 2:2–3), there are times the reward gets obscured by confusion and discouragements.

” Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” (Deuteronomy 6:5).

Jesus I ask in your name that you will keep me mindful of the opportunities to love others in my life. Open my mind and guide me to chances to follow those who have deep relationships with You. Grant me faith when things seem hopeless, and give me the endurance to run the race you have set before me. I desire to be spiritually sharp, and have a deep meaningful relationship with You. In Your Name I pray, Amen.

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Learning from Affliction

By Bob / December 3, 2022

This is a word about affliction and the purpose of affliction.
• Why affliction comes in our lives.
• How we should respond to affliction.

After all, there’s nobody who won’t encounter affliction(suffering, burden, problem, pain, hardship, trouble, misery) at some time or another in his life. Listen to what the psalmist says about affliction and what he learned from it:

Psalm 119:67, 71, 75Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I obey your word. It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees. I know, O Lord, that your laws are righteous and in faithfulness you have afflicted me.

You see, the psalmist didn’t view affliction as a disaster. He saw it as a kind of corrective medicine. It was something that he needed to adjust his life. He says, “Before I was afflicted I went astray and I paid for it, but now,” he said, “I obey Your word. I’ve learned my lesson. It pays to obey.”

And then he says at the end, “O Lord . . . in faithfulness you have afflicted me.”    You didn’t do it because You were cruel or because You were angry with me. You did it to straighten me out, to bring me back from my own evil way into Your way, to find the way of peace.

Are you in the midst of affliction? Don’t fight. Don’t argue with God. Ask Him the reason. God is afflicting you in His faithfulness. He has a reason. He’s trying to turn you back from something, to bring you out of the wrong and bring you into the right – a life of obedience to His statutes.

If you have any affliction or know someone in it:  Take time to read the verses below on what the Bible says about affliction.  You will be blessed.

Bible Verses: John 9:1-3, John 11:3-4, John 21:18-19, Psalm 34:19, 2 Corinthians 12:9-10, Deuteronomy 4:30-31, Hosea 5:14-15, Job 36:8-9, Psalm 32:5, Proverbs 17:3, Deuteronomy 8:2, 1 Peter 1:7, Revelation 2:10, (2 Corinthians 12:7-Acts 12:23), James 1:3, (1 Peter 2:20-Hebrews 10:26), John 15:2, Hebrews 12:10-11, Philippians 1:12, 2 Timothy 2:9-10, 2 Timothy 4:16-17


Lord, thank you for the Bible, your truth to freedom of affliction.  Amen

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By Bob / December 2, 2022

Man has revolted against God. We are all “sinners.”
Psalms 51:12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. 13 Then I will teach transgressors your ways, so that sinners will turn back to you.

**Let’s Ask God through the day to cleanse us of sin.
*If you are recovering from a serous sin’ it’s hard to imagine teaching others or being spiritually helpful to others, yet that is what God desires and plans for us.
Not too soon—mind you, and not without the oversight of mature believers, but eventually God’s intention is for us to get back in the game.
*Everything-even our sin-can be used by God to help others and heal ourselves. (Romans 8:28 is a great read)

Psalms 51:17 My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise.
*It is amazing how God looks beyond our mistakes and failures and find something worthwhile in us.

Yes God punished David for his mistakes but still, He looked beyond all that and found a right spirit, a repentant spirit and a man who was sincerely after His heart.

Perfection may be a tall order for us, but a heart after the heart of God is what moves God. A broken, contrite and honest heart is what he asks for. I’m convinced a lot of us take pride in our doctrine when what the Lord desires from us is just our affection.  “To Know Him is to have Eternal life”(JN 17:3).

1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

*Steps To Personal Deliverance–Lifestyle evangelism.
1. Admit that you have a problem.
2. Confess with a repentant heart.
3. Ask God for forgiveness.
4. Turn away from your past life.
5. Obey the Holy Spirit by hearing and reading Scriptures.

 1 John 1:10 If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us.
*We might deceive ourselves about our own sin by rationalizing or minimizing the wrong.
*We might blame other people or circumstances instead of accepting responsibility.
*No matter how we deceive ourselves, it is important to understand the dangers of deceit.


 The most important danger of delusion is what it does to our relationship with God.

If we deny our sin, we are calling God a liar. We are blocking our own path to walking with him

Is there sins in our life that we’ve been denying?  Ask God to help you admit the wrong, take responsibility for it, and turn to him for forgiveness. He will help you and me overcome.

Lord help me be a doer of your word–not a bench warmer.  Teach me more and more of what Your love(agape) means and looks like for my neighbor as well as my marriage, my kids, my grandkids, my friends and myself.   God, You are love and You are the only solid foundation upon which human love can be built. Help Love be a LIFESTYLE!. Amen

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By Bob / December 1, 2022

1 Timothy 1:15  Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance:  Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. 

Romans 6:11  Consider yourselves to be dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus

Even though you are dead to sin, sin’s strong appeal may still cause you to struggle with feeling that you are more alive to sin than you are to Christ. But Romans 6:1-11 teaches us that what is true of the Lord Jesus Christ is true of us in terms of our relationship to sin and death.

God the Father allowed His Son to “be sin” in order that all the sins of the world–past, present and future–would fall on Him (2 Corinthians 5:21). When He died on the cross, our sins were on Him. But when He rose from the grave, there was no sin on Him. When He ascended to the Father, there was no sin on Him. And today, as He sits at the Father’s right hand, there is no sin on Him. Since we are seated in the heavenlies in Christ, we too have died to sin.


Christ already died to sin, and because you are in Him, you have died to sin too. Sin is still strong and appealing, but your relationship with sin has ended. I’ve met many Christians who are still trying to die to sin, and their lives are miserable and fruitless as a result because they are struggling to do something that has already been done. “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death”(Romans 8:2).  see too 1 John 4:4


Romans 6:11 summarizes what we are to believe about our relationship to sin because of our position in Christ. It doesn’t matter whether you feel dead to sin or not; you are to consider it so because it is so. People wrongly wonder, “What experience must I have in order for this to be true?”

The only necessary experience is that of Christ on the cross, which has already happened.

When we choose to believe what is true about ourselves and sin, and walk on the basis of what we believe, our right relationship with sin will work out in our experience. But as long as we put our experience before our belief, we will never fully know the freedom that Christ purchased for us on the cross.

Prayer: Lord, teach me not always to believe what I feel about my relationship to sin, but to believe the truth that I am dead to it.  “Therefore, my brothers, I want you to know that through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you.” Acts 13:38  Amen

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How Is Your Love Tank?

By Bob / September 21, 2022

“Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance” (1 Corinthians 13:7 NLT, second edition).

The kind of love that really makes a difference in this world requires a big effort on your part, but you’ll enjoy huge rewards.

Sometimes you just don’t feel like you have any more love to give. Maybe you’re in a people-intensive job, such as teacher, salesman, or waitress, and you come home and think, “I just can’t face another need, another problem, or another heartache.” So you just shut down.

Or you need to show love to a particular person who is demanding, selfish, and never returns your love. And you just think to yourself, “I’m done. No more.”

While that’s perfectly natural and perfectly human, it’s not the standard of love God calls us to in the Bible. The Bible says, “Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance” (1 Corinthians 13:7 NLT, second edition). Love never gives up.

How can you have that kind of patient love for another person? You get refueled.

To give the kind of patient love that God wants you to give, you have to refuel your love tank. Look around at society, and you’ll see it’s littered with debris from relationships that have crashed and burned because people didn’t refuel their love.

How do you refuel your love tank? You start by letting God love you. We love because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19 NIV).

When you’re worn out, tired, and can’t imagine showing love to anyone else, remember that God loved you so much that he sent his Son to die for you.  Read John 3:16-17

Now that’s real fuel. That’s what keeps you going when you want to quit.

Thank You Jesus for the Love you have given us all.  May we show Your love to all we meet by our actions as well as our words.  Amen

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Walk with Others

By Bob / September 7, 2022

And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him”(Colossians 2:6 ).

The Bible often compares life to a walk, because life is a journey; we’re not sitting still. Throughout the New Testament, we are told to walk in wisdom, love, light, and obedience. We’re told to walk as Jesus walked. We’re also told to walk alongside other people.

Here are three reasons we need to walk with other people:

  • It’s safer. Have you ever walked alone at night through a dark alley or down a lonely country road? It’s a little scary. But if you have another person with you, you feel safer.
  • It’s supportive. Life is not a 50-yard dash; it’s a marathon. Walking with other people gives you the energy to keep on going until the end.
  • It’s smarter. You learn more by walking with others than by walking alone. If you’re walking alone in the wrong direction, you may never realize it. But if you have a friend beside you, one of you is likely to recognize you’ve veered off the path and need to find the right direction.

We also learn some important lessons when we walk alongside other people. We learn how to get along and cooperate with others.

We also learn how to love. Genesis 2:18 tells us, “It is not good for the man to be alone” (NIV). God hates loneliness, and community is God’s answer to loneliness. When we walk alongside other people, we find a community where we learn how to love.

Walking alongside other people also teaches us hospitality. The Bible says in 1 Peter 4:9, “Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.”What’s your grumble? What’s your excuse for not opening your home to friends?

Maybe you’ve said, “My home is dirty!”—Well, clean it up!

Or perhaps your excuse is, “My home isn’t big enough.”

Can you put three people in it? Jesus says, “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them” (Matthew 18:20).

Everybody has a longing for belonging, because God made us for relationships. When we walk alongside other Christians in community, we find that longing satisfied.

Lord, Thank you for the Body of Christ.  Help me plug more and more into your family.  Amen.


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