Getting back to basics – finding hope to cope.
Eph 2:13 But now you have been united with Christ Jesus. Once you were far away from God, but now you have been brought near to him through the blood of Christ.

***BUT NOW…What grace mercy and hope!!

As Christians we have many reasons to be the most hopeful people on earth!

Five of many reasons to have HOPE: Romans 8

1. God’s pardon will erase my shame.

We all made mistakes. Sometimes we don’t deal with it and walk around with guilt and shame which leads to depression, hopelessness etc.

BUT NOW – Good news: Rom 8;1 – no shame, no guilt, no sentence because you belong to Christ.

ALL your sins have been dealt with in Jesus’ Sacrifice.

2. God’s power can help you change

Rom 8:31 – God is FOR you!
With that power you can change the way you act and react etc. What would you change?
Maybe you’ve tried to change many times but have given up and feel hopeless.
*BUT NOW – you can depend on him to give u the power strength etc to make those changes that you can’t make alone /readEph 3:20
3. God’s purpose transforms my problems – if I allow him to!

Rom 8:28 – we are called according to his purpose!
*It doesn’t say all things work out the way I want them to!
*It doesn’t say all things will end with a happy ending on earth.

*It says: we KNOW -we have absolute confidence, we have absolute certainty that GOD causes all things…

***GOD causes – there is a grand design for your life.
*He is in control.
*He can take all the bad things you’ve done and have experienced and make them work together for good.

ALL THINGS – illness, unemployment, cancer, bankruptcy, addictions….. Everything.


4. God’s provision will supply all my needs.
Read Rom 8:32 – If God provided Jesus to cover our sins, won’t he take care of every other need also?
*Read Philip 4:19 – everything you NEED


5. God’s promise will secure my future

Read Rom 8:38 – nothing now or in the future or anyone or anything can separate us from Love of God.

Sure, you may want to let go at times *BUT GOD WILL NEVER LET GO.   See: 2 Tim 1:12

Jude 24  You will make mistakes but he will keep you from falling (not failing).
Lam 3;21-22 – God’s love never ends.

Lord, Thank You for the Hope that only You can give.  Help me renew my mind with the promises You have given in Your Word.  Amen

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