Boundaries are based on truth and we each need to know our limits in each area of our life. 

Setting boundaries is an essential skill in life, especially for people like us  in recovery who are addicted to a sin  (which we all have in one form or another: worry, over eating, gossip, anxiety, chemical dependency, etc. etc).

Addicts for example, often grow up in dysfunctional homes, where boundaries were either too rigid (leading to suppressed emotions or distant relationships) or too enmeshed (depriving them of a sense of personal identity).


Later in life, their interpersonal relationships may continue to be defined by old roles and patterns, increasing the risk of depression, anxiety and addictive or compulsive behaviors.


John 8:31-32:  Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.  Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

*Does our life look like someone who’s on the same page with Christ?

*Do we tend to believe our negative feelings more than the positive truth of God’s Word?


Four Components for Successful Boundaries:      YOU GET WHAT YOU WORK FOR!

1.  Vision:  Do you know what you want as an outcome? Define your specific expectations in writing.

2.  Communication:  Do you thoroughly communicate  and address the specific expectations, your purpose and results and if broken the consequences?

3.  Application:  Do you follow through with the message, consequences (good or bad).

4.  Action:  Develop your plan, determine how to hold yourself accountable to your plan.

Ephesians 6:14 “Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist.”

Why are boundaries important?

They keep you safe from being manipulated, abused or taken advantage of, while also protecting other people from harm you may consciously or unconsciously inflict.

They prevent both parties in a relationship from blurring the lines between self and others.

With healthy boundaries in place, you can begin to tune in to your inner voice(Holy Spirit) and trust those thoughts and feelings, and then communicate those to other people.

Romans 2:8 “But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger.”

*If we strive for God, we will receive mercy.

*If we seek eternal life, we will find it.

*BUT if we seek the world, we will be left in the world.

Lord, help us all to seek You and set good and healthy personal boundaries in our lives to be able to create more of Your Character in us for others to see and follow.  Help us to see and know more and more of Your Truths.  Amen