What is Kingdom of God?

This is a Big subject. But here is a small bit to get us going.

What is the Kingdom of God?
*God’s way of doing things!
*The Kingdom of God is about Righteous living and supernatural ability to maintain a mind set which realizes the mind of Christ is the resource that supersedes circumstances.
*The Kingdom of God is about LIVING a life of goodness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.
*(Matthew 28:19-20 The Great Commission).

Romans 14:17 For the kingdom of God does not consist of food and drink, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. 18 For the one who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and approved by people.

Less of talk more of action. That is the kingdom we have received from God.
*The world is tired of religion. The world is tired of vain, powerless human ideas and gimmicks or schemes which are not able to change lives. Only God can change lives. Only God can bring a lasting or enduring change. It’s time for us to use what God has put inside us to affect and effect a change in our environment.

The NIV Study Bible calls the Kingdom of God, “His present reign in the lives of his people. That dynamic new life in Christ, the power of the new birth showing itself in a humble life, dedicated to Christ and his mission. Empty talk is contrasted with the genuine power of the Holy Spirit.”

So my life today will reflect the Kingdom of God as I live an empowered life, full of the Holy Spirit and submitted to the King’s rule and reign in my life. When this life is over, will my life be a legacy of words or a closer relationship with Jesus?

Genesis 4:20 MSG. God’s Way is not a matter of mere talk; it’s an empowered life.
****1 Cor. 4: 20 For the kingdom of God is demonstrated not in idle talk but with power.
*God equips us with spiritual gifts to accomplish his agenda.
*God’s Way is not a matter of mere talk; it’s an empowered life.
*Christ’s power is revealed by love and gentleness and humility in each of us.

*Lord’s Prayer(Matthew 6:9-14).  What did Jesus teach about the resources of the Kingdom in that prayer?
*God’s kingdom is not about physical pleasures or earthly things.
*God’s kingdom is not about the pursuit of the things that will end when your physical life ends – to pursue such things is to conform to the world.
*We are the transformed! If we truly belong to God’s kingdom in heart, soul, mind and strength then we pursue those things that don’t end in this life, but the very things that pull us through to our eternal union with Christ:

* Believers are to experience the Kingdom of God NOW!
“Thy Kingdom come. Your will be done ON EARTH as it IS in Heaven.”
Everything that exists in the Kingdom of God He wants us to experience now!

*Many people will talk about the kingdom of God.
It is nothing but air unless there is spiritual power in our life. The proof is in the fruit of our life – not riches – spirit.
Gal. 5:22 But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!

***The kingdom of God is the reason human history is marching forward.
The entire history of the world is tied to what God is doing in and for His kingdom.
***The kingdom of God is also the most powerful entity on the planet.
**** The kingdom of God has at its disposal the omnipotent power of God. That power can be used to change lives, relationships, communities and countries.
I know it seems at times that we belong to a weak and powerless entity. Satan would want us to believe that, but it is just not true.
I know that at times it seems like the kingdom of this world is winning.
But read the book of Revelation(see Bible Study option below) and it’s clear that we are on the victorious side. What you and I need to do Is believe!

****We need to believe what the word of God says about the kingdom of God. *We need to believe that despite our smallness we have great significance. ****We need to look at ourselves with eyes of faith (the way God sees us) instead of eyes of sight.
**We are members of the most significant and powerful entity on the planet. We are members of the kingdom of God.

*You have to believe the kingdom of God is within you and everyone who believes. God said I put a deposit of my kingdom inside you.

Your righteousness is a powerful force against darkness.  It is in faith and righteousness that the kingdom of God is established in you, around you, and through you.  Don’t underestimate the victory that comes when you maintain right relationship with Jesus and those who belong to Him.  Stay close and continue to seek His face, listen for His voice, and obey His leading.  Jesus is establishing purity and peace in those who truly belong to Him and in return we will experience His Kingdom here and now.
* Matthew 6:33  But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

Lord I want to live a life identified by Your power working in and through me. What an empty conclusion to this life if the only thing left over is a bunch of Christian conversations. Take my words and replace them with your power in my life. Please make me effective for your Kingdom today by using your Spirit to manifest your power in my life. I want to yeild to your power in my life today. Here I am Lord, fill me with your power! Let Your Word and Holy Spirit fill me daily to Have Action for the lost.  Amen