How Are We Like Sheep?

God is our friend, and He always will tell us the truth. Not only that, but He wants to reveal His secrets to us.

In Psalms 25:14 we read, “The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him. . . .” God wants to speak to us.
In fact, Jesus said, My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me” (John 10:27).
Here Jesus compares us to sheep is not a compliment, by the way. Sheep are among the dumbest of all creatures.
Most animals, in many cases, will survive if released into the wild. They will learn to fend for themselves and make it. But a sheep released into the wild cannot survive.
Sheep have no survival skills whatsoever. They are totally dependent upon the shepherd just like we are.
The sheep come to know that when the shepherd speaks they should follow because his plan for them is better than their plan for themselves.
It may be that one of the reasons we don’t know the will of God in certain areas is because we have not applied what is clearly the will of God for all areas.
Obedience to revealed truth guarantees guidance in matters unrevealed.
Establish yourself in strong faith by believing in Jesus and believing that  He will reward those who seek Him. Every difficult situation that you encounter has the potential to strengthen your faith and provide a firm foundation for victory. Know that the Lord is with you to give you wisdom and bring you through. Only believe!

When you walk in My ways, says the LORD, you will set an example that others can follow if they want to live in peace and blessing. Those that live and walk in the Spirit are able to access everything that is available to them through faith. It is worth it to make the changes necessary to live in righteousness and always do good.

Psalms 37:3 Trust in the LORD, and do good; dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.Amen