
Define your boundaries

Acts 17:26 From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.

God created all things and then decided their life expectancy as well as determining their boundaries.

God knew where the land existed and then where the next mass of land started.
*God knew the boundaries of the nations because he defined and determined them.
*God also knows the boundaries of his people.
*God knows how much to push us and when to pull back.
Christians today push their boundaries and then end up hurting themselves and those around them because they don’t know where those boundaries are at.


It’s important to know where your boundaries are at for every thing.

***Relationship boundaries, financial, career, free time, exercise, health, educational, and the list goes on and on.
This doesn’t down play hard work, but each person has boundaries and when those are not defined and they are unknowingly crossed, there are brutal consequences.

*God determined boundaries for our sake.
*God created the Sabbath as a boundary to take for the sake of rest.
*God called marriage between one man And one woman…that’s a boundary.
Boundaries are determined by God.

Lord, show me the boundaries that you have set for my life. I desire to run free in the boundaries that you have determined for me. I never want to leave your embrace and move outside of your will. Amen


What can we learn from Jesus

Know who you are (John 8:12) — Eighteen times Jesus publicly defined himself. There was no doubt in his mind as to who he was. Trying to be someone you’re not causes stress!

Know who you want to please (John 5:30) — Jesus never let the fear of rejection manipulate him. No one can pressure you without your permission. You can’t please everyone. Even God can’t!

Set clear goals (John 8:14) — Jesus said, “I know where I came from and where I am going.” Preparation prevents pressure but procrastination produces it. You work by either priorities or pressures.

Focus on one thing at a time (Luke
4:42-44) — Jesus knew how to handle interruptions without being distracted from his primary goal.

Don’t try to do everything yourself (Mark 3:14) — Jesus enlisted twelve disciples. We get tense when we feel it all depends on us.

Make a habit of prayer (Mark 1:35) — No matter how busy Jesus got, he found time to get alone and pray. A daily quiet time is a great stress decompression chamber.

Take time to enjoy life (Mark
6:30-31) — Balance is the key to stress management. Work must be balanced with fun and worship.