When we seek to please “self“, we open ourselves up to uncontrolled emotions, soulish thoughts and selfish desires.
***  “…for they do the lustful desires expressed by their mouth, and their heart goes after their gain.”  Ezekiel 33:31

Psalm 77 has tremendous value for anyone who has ever faced life’s serious questions:

*Is there a dependable God?
* Are there absolute values in life?
*Is there meaning to life?
*Is there any purpose to this existence?

Here in Psalm 77 is a man, David who finds his way from the despairing conclusion expressed in verse 10,
“And I say, ‘It is my grief that the right hand of the Most High has changed”. (Psalm 77:10 ) to the triumphant declaration of verse 13:

“Your ways, O God, are holy. What god is so great as our God?”

David does it by meditating on the deeds of the Lord. He thinks long and hard about certain actions of God in history–certain concrete, stubborn facts that cannot be forgotten or explained away, which have been witnessed by thousands and even millions of people, and the results of which have permanently altered the course of history.
It’s interesting that David would remind himself of God’s history of grace and mercy. Before anybody else told him, he reminded himself that God has been Good over and over again.

*When you are discouraged remember what God has done for you in the past.
*God is the same yesterday, today and forever.

 Jesus said He would never leave or forsake His children.

However, we can walk away from His fellowship by refusing to be with Him.
Do not let this happen to you. He longs to have daily fellowship with you because He loves you.

Psalm 77 directs us to remember God and mediate on all his wonderful works and his love and guidance for us.

*   I will spend more time remembering God, what he has done and his amazing works of leading and guiding me thru all of life.


God, help me to take time to mediate and remember who you are, how much you love me, and your grace and mercy.
Father, thank You for Your special work of redemption in the history of Israel and in my own life as well. Thank You that by Your work You give purpose and turn me from despair to victory. Amen