Two wonderful absolutes.

1. The first absolute: GOD REALLY LOVES ME.
*God is not in the business of condemning His children, failures or not. He is a loving Father, wanting only to lift us out of our weaknesses.
*Sometimes we recognize His great love only when we hit bottom. You will have won a great victory if you can be convinced God loves you even in your wounded, crippled condition.
*Our strength is renewed by His everlasting love.
*Just rest in that wonderful love. Don’t panic. Deliverance will come.


“Without faith, it is impossible to please him” (Hebrews 11:6).
*God counts our trust as righteousness.  “Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness”. (Romans 4:3).

**God sends us to conquer nations but the first battle we have to win is the one against ourselves.
*That’s when we get to know him and we build the foundations of our relationship with him!   (JN 17:3)

Men often use God to achieve fortune, fame, honor and respect.
*Talent, personality and cleverness are used to advance God’s kingdom, but He is not impressed.
*His strength is perfected in our weakness, our inability to obey His
commandments in our own strength.

*God calls us to a life of holiness and separation.
*God tells us we can be free from the bondage of sin.
*God’s Word comes to us with some impossible challenges:
-“Resist the devil.
-Walk in the Spirit.
-Come out from among them.
-Love your enemies.
-Leave behind all your fears.
-Put down your lustful desires.
-Let no sin have dominion over you.”

God comes with such a comforting message:

-“Lay down your weapons.
-Quit trying to be so self–sufficient and strong.
-I am your weapon and your strength.
-Let Me do what you never can do.
-I will give you My righteousness,
-I will give you My holiness, My rest, My strength.
-You cannot save yourself or please Me in any way other than by receiving the blessings of the cross by faith.
Let Me be in charge of your growth in holiness.”

* Father take over the battle of my life and let your enemies be scattered in Jesus name Isaiah 41:14-16
* Father as we are gathered here, let your healing power flow to us in Jesus name. Luke
* I command every gate standing before me to be lifted up that the king of glory may come into my life. Psalm 24:7
* I have the Key of David… Father open to us doors of promotion, favour, opportunity, breakthroughs, healing, Fruitfulness, prosperity And close the doors of sickness, accidents, death, shame, failure, poverty, diseases, sorrow
*God, Your Word speaks hope and life to me. So I give You the praise, the honor, and the glory, in Jesus’ name. Amen.