What makes an effective Christian leader today? Is it charisma? Is it ability? Is it communication and oratory skills?

God’s view of an effective leader has nothing to do with these qualities. They may be a part of an effective leader. However, the core attribute of a Christian leader is his integrity with God and his obedience to follow Him.

When this happens, God manifests His power in and through that leader.

Effective Leadership is to come under the Truth of the Word of God–resulting in our work being our worship and God getting the glory–resulting in success being measured by faithfulness to Christ, following Him in obedience.

The World would say:Effective Leadership is to Believe in self- so the workplace centers on man’s achievements alone–Resulting in, success being measured by pride in material wealth.

Moses was effective because he was willing to obey the commands God gave him. When Moses did this, God manifested His presence in him. The result was that people followed.

*They followed because they saw God working in and through the man.

*They saw that this man was worthy of following because God’s anointing was on him.

When people see the Lord’s power manifested in your life, they will have a healthy fear of the Lord.
They will look at you and say, “This person has something I don’t have that is worthy of more investigation.”
Your challenge is to seek the Lord with a whole heart, resulting in God’s power being manifested in the daily activities of your life.

If you’re not experiencing regular encounters with God, it’s time to ask why not.
*We don’t live day-to-day for the next spiritual experience, but we should see by-products of a life centered in God that is reflected in fruit from His presence in our lives.  (Read Galatians 5:16-24 to see the difference between good and bad fruit)
One of humility’s dominant characteristics is a God-dependency and not a self-sufficiency.
The truth of humility being the key to greatness or success was not new.

Jesus gave this truth new meaning by walking in humility as no one ever had before. (Read Matthew 5 3-11 for Jesus Character which we so need ourselves)

Humility is trusting in God and not in ourselves.
*Pride is self-sufficiency and self-exaltation while humility is self-denial and dependence upon God.
*Pride is the only reason that strife comes (Prov. 13:10); so remember, humility is the key to walking in love with our brothers and sisters in the Lord.

Lord Continue to humble me daily that I may totally depend on You!!!!!  Amen

See 1 Corinthians 4:6  on how  not to be prideful!