Moral Growth Or Moral Rot?

Psalm 111:10  The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise.

Poor Wisdom Rots!

Proverbs 28: 2 When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily.
*This  reminds me of where we are at as a nation now. We have people in our country that believe morals are negotiable and that’s simply not true.
***We need to stand by the Biblical principles we have been given by God. “His Truth”
Corrupt and selfish leaders within a government will eventually contaminate the whole group leading to “moral rot.”


But the same goes for wise and knowledgeable leaders, they can encourage and build up the whole group leading to “moral growth.


We as Christians need to pray for our government, both nationally and locally.
One or two with a group can contaminate the whole team.
*If their concerns are selfish and all they care about is themselves and what they think their entitled to, this eventually spoils the whole batch causing moral rot.
It eventually affects all down to supervisors and them to employees.


And then attitudes become selfish with entitlement to perks instead of realizing they are public servants and their job is to serve.

*Moral is down, people can’t get along with each other and things don’t get done.


**But on the other hand, wise and knowledgeable leaders can bring moral growth to government. The saying “IN GOD WE TRUST ” can bring stability to a government.

*When you have wise and knowledgeable leaders, their concerns are not selfish.
*They care about the people they serve and they take pride in their job.
*They build up their government team increasing moral within work groups and developing positive attitudes.

Just like before, this affects all down to supervisors and then to workers causing an increase in work and taking pride in their job.
So pray for you government and ask God to place good Christian people with our system.

We need to get back on track to the saying “IN GOD WE TRUST “ and allow God to work.
Hosea 4:6 my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.
“Because you have rejected knowledge,
I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children.

Thank you for hearing our prayers. Thank You for Moral Growth and for the way it’s changed my life. It’s in Jesus name I pray, Amen.