Only as we’re willing to “empty” ourselves are we ready to be “filled” with God.
*  “I shall lift up the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord.”Psalm 116:13
 Are You Living a Divided Life?

I see so many of us Christians today who divide up our lives into tightly packed little compartments: the sacred and the secular.
The sacred is what we do on Sunday, and the secular is up for grabs.

It’s just whatever happens! So we have our sacred life at church, and we do our business with the world the rest of the time.
But the real Christian lifethe Jesus lifeis to do all things in word and in deed to the glory of God.

There’s no difference between what you are on Sunday and what you are every other minute of the week!

That’s why this commandment in [Matthew 22:37] is just so important. It’s Jesus’ reminder to you and me that when we truly love God, it will be with every fiber of our being.


*It’s not that we just give Him one day a week and live however we want the rest of the week.

No, we seek to glorify Him with our entire lives. That’s real love!

Maybe you’ve found yourself at times acting like a different person depending on whether you’re in a “religious” or “secular” setting. But in reality, you should be the same person in both settings.

So lets not let the day of the week dictate how devoted we are to following Christ.

Honor JESUS every day with your entire being!

Our need to love is every bit as strong as our need to be loved.


Dear Lord, thank You for calling us Your children – And for making a home within us, so we may rest secure in You.  Because You are our dwelling place, we are never alone.  Help us have Your Value system be the Same 24/7 for Your Glory and our Joy.   In Jesus’ Name, Amen.