TO BE WHOLE Not Just Healed

When we “stuff” disappointments, these buried resentments can cause us to act exactly the opposite of how we want to act.

“…for I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate.” Romans 7:15

When is the last time someone saw something happen through your life that could not be explained other than God working in your life?

When you begin to see this happen, you will be modeling ministry as Jesus modeled it. You will be bringing the Church to the people, not the people to the church.

Luke 17:17 Then Jesus said, “Were not ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? 18 Was no one found to turn back and give praise to God except this foreigner?”

Relatively few people who receive the goodness of the Lord return to give Him thanks for what He has done.

That does not keep the Lord from doing what is right for us.
*He healed all ten of these lepers according to their request – not just the one who was thankful.
*However, there was only one out of the ten that was made “whole.”

The Lord desires that we prosper in spirit, soul, and body.
*He wants us to be whole – not just healed.
*Part of the reason God meets our physical needs is to prove to us His willingness and ability to meet our emotional and spiritual needs.

The Lord is concerned about our temporal needs (Mt. 6:30), but He is even more concerned about our eternal needs. (Eternal Perspective)

All of these lepers needed physical healing and the Lord was moved with compassion and met their need.

***He was also desiring to meet their spiritual needs, but only one out of the ten came back for that.(Luke 17:11-18)
*The 9 were Jews, they were entitled to HEALTH, they keep the commandments, keep Gods word etc. When Jesus heals them they say ‘why is he late’ but the man whose not a Jew has gratitude in his heart goes back to say THANK YOU!!

*Gratitude is an attitude, it is in ones character. It is a way of life! It’s my Identity.
Being un-thankful is always a sign that self is exalting itself above God.
**Thankfulness is a sign of humility and cultivating a life of thankfulness will help keep “self” in its proper place.

John 17:3 Now this is eternal life – that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you sent.
1 Thess. 5:16 Always rejoice, 17 constantly pray, 18 in everything give thanks. For this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 19 Do not extinguish the Spirit.

Dear Lord,  Please help us to walk according to the leading of Your Spirit in these areas today… tomorrow… the next day… Amen