What is the key to success and victory when the enemies aligned against us seem too great to overcome? It may seem unlikely, but here is one answer: giving thanks.

 Revelation 12:11 tells us we defeat the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony. What might that testimony sound like? “Give thanks to the Lord, for His lovingkindness is everlasting.”

 Thanksgiving is our song for every battle. It is a key to our victory!
Do you see the tremendous potential of giving thanks to release God’s miracle-working power in our lives?

A beautiful example of this principle is in the story of the ten lepers who met Jesus in Luke 17, verses 12–19….

  • All ten lepers were cleansed.
  • All were healed physically.
  • But something completely extra—and the most important thing of all—happened to the one man who returned to give Him thanks.

Jesus said to him in verse 19: “Rise and go, your faith has made you well.”

So you see, there was an important difference between the nine who were healed physically and the tenth who came back to give God thanks.  He was not merely healed physically, but he was saved. His soul was saved He was brought into a right eternal relationship with God.

The same is true in our lives. Giving thanks for blessings already received sets the seal of permanence upon them.

Lord, I want to commit myself fully to this principle of giving thanks in all situations.  I offer my thanksgiving as my victory song to You, O Lord. Amen.