My Testimony

My Testimony is that I’m already paid for by the blood of Jesus!

Revelations 12:11 But they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony,and they did not love their lives so much that they were afraid to die.

The greatest power is God’s blood—-Jesus shed Blood on the Cross.

*Blood is a substance, Faith is the KEY.
*Blood brings deliverance and healing.
*The blood brings access for us to God.

A time-honored, effective method of evangelism is your personal testimony.

Remember you are God’s Ambassador now and bring a message of reconciliation, healing and hope to all who are open to hear.  The result is we have the privilege of bringing God to people and people to God.  (See 2 Corinthians 5:20).

Consider these five suggestions:

1. You want to be listened to, so be interesting.

2. You want to be understood, so be logical.

Think of your salvation in three phases and construct your testimony accordingly:

(a) before you were born again—the struggles within, the loneliness, lack of peace, absence of love, unrest, and fears;

(b) the decision that revolutionized your life; and

(c) the change—the difference it has made since you received Christ.

(Read Ephesians 2:1-10 for who we all were and now who we have become.)

3. You want the moment of your new birth to be clear, so be specific.

Don’t be vague. Speak of Christ.  Emphasize faith more than feeling.

4. You want your testimony to be used, so be practical.

Be human and honest as you talk. Don’t promise, “All your problems will end if you will become a Christian,” for that isn’t true. Try to think as unbelievers think. (Read 1 John 3:1-3)

5. You want your testimony to produce results, so be warm and genuine.

A smile breaks down more barriers than the hammer blows of cold, hard facts.Let your enthusiasm flow freely.

Above all, be positive and courteous(accept whatever comes our way because of our loyalty to Jesus Christ). Absolutely refuse to argue. Nobody I ever met was “arm wrestled” into the kingdom.  Trust in the Holy Spirit to move in their life.

Isaiah 54:17  No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against  you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the  LORD, and their righteousness is from Me,” Says the LORD.  Amen