Whenever it is that the Word of GOD comes with correction, showing us our errors, it’s often because the Lord expects conformity to His standards and not our own.
When the warning comes we shouldn’t stiffen the neck, but be smart & line up.
**First comes the warning, then comes the judgment. Wondering now where it is the nations stand…
In this generation so many sins are being considered acceptable because no one wants to be the Amos.
We must realize that what is wrong is wrong, and stand up for what’s right, no matter what society says.
It is sooo easy to look over our own hearts and point fingers at our country, but yet we can’t even recognize the deep sin we are engaged in.
Living comfortable, secure lifestyles cripples our ability to serve God.
God will judge the sin of pride.
* God does not go back on his promises.
* Pride says I do not need God. It’s all about me.
****When you look in the mirror in the morning, do you see a self- centered person or a Christ- centered person?
Read: Amos 7:10-18
1. Amos calls down judgment on the people living at ease in Jerusalem and Judaea.
2. Amos prophesied on Gods people.
3. They loved in territorial ignorance.
• Why? Why is Amos referring to these cities?
• Because all of them were successful but yet they were nothing without God.
We don’t mind people who correct others as long as they are not correcting us.
*Simple people like Amos are called to do God’s work – he was just a small town shepherd.
Help us be REAL, O Lord! You desire Truth in the innermost parts. Restore us O Lord! LORD – make us like Amos. One small minor prophet book in the Bible positioned to teach us big things – amen