My Purpose in Life!

To be fully free! To be fully free we must have the desire, the ability, and the opportunity to do what will make us happy forever.
*No regrets.
**And only Jesus, the Son of God who died and rose for us, can make that possible.

1 Thessalonians 3: 2 and we sent Timothy to visit you. He is our brother and God’s co-worker in proclaiming the Good News of Christ. We sent him to strengthen you, to encourage you in your faith,
*Paul and Timothy want to see the Thessalonians so badly that Paul sends Timothy to check on them and encourage them.
*The thing I see still lacking in my own life is still a deeper daily passion for those lost souls around me and the total obedience to fulfill my purpose in “the Great Commission” from God.(Matthew 28:19-20).
Paul prays so fervently for the sanctification of the church! He wants them to overflow with love—like he does — I want to overflow with more of that love so I am able then, to give love away to others! It’s the overflow we can  give.

After sanctification(to be set apart from Sin and made holy), it is difficult to state what our purpose in life is, because:
*God has moved us into His purpose through the Holy Spirit.
*God is using YOU now for His purposes throughout the world as He used His Son for the purpose of OUR salvation.

I have found out the hard way–If you seek great things for yourself, thinking, “God has called me for this and for that,” you barricade God from using you.

Found that:  As long as you maintain your own personal interests and ambitions,  you cannot be completely aligned or identified with God’s interests.  We need to Be emptied of our self  and then allowing God to fill us up in His special way!

This can only be accomplished by giving up ALL of your personal plans once and for all, and by allowing God to take you directly into His purpose for the world not for yourself.
Psalms 57: 2.  I cry out to God Most High, to God who will fulfill his purpose for me.
*God does not expect us to do it all on our own but to trust that it is Him that fulfills His purpose for us.

*Our understanding of our ways must also be surrendered, because they are now the ways of the Lord.

*I must learn that the purpose of my life belongs to God, not me.
*God is using me from His great personal perspective, and all He asks of me is that I trust Him.
*I should never say, “Lord, this causes me such heartache.” To talk that way makes me a stumbling block.
** When I stop telling God what I want, He can freely work His will in me without any hindrance.
*God can crush me, exalt me, or do anything else He chooses.
*God simply asks me to have Absolute Faith in Him and His Goodness.
***”Self-pity is of the devil, and if I wallow in it I cannot be used by God for His purpose in the world. Doing this creates for me my own cozy “world within the world,” and God will not be allowed to move me from it because of my fear of being “frost-bitten.”(Oswald)

Being a Christ follower means preserving the decaying culture.
*God has called us to be the Salt of the Earth!(Matthew 5:13).  We are the salt of the earth! We should be filled with the flavor of Christ.  If we become flavorless or our light goes out, what good are we? What is our purpose?

The Lord has given every believer Faith.  (Rom. 12:3).
*Faith was given to us at salvation through hearing the Word of God:
Eph. 2: 8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast.;
Rom. 10:17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
**Faith is a fruit of the Holy Spirit:
Galatians. 5:22 But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control.
*** However, WE must Choose to exercise it.
*Our faith is linked to our knowledge (2 Pet. 1:1-4).
Hosea 4: 6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me;

The problem occurs when we don’t allow our faith to work because we don’t keep our minds stayed on God’s Word. Mark 4:19  but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the worries of this life, the lure of wealth, and the desire for other things, so no fruit is produced.

Keeping our minds stayed on God’s Word Will release our Faith and thereby release the “Power of God” in our lives.
1 Corinthians 13:13 Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.

2 Corinthians 3:18 So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.

Lord help me to have absolute faith in You and Your goodness. Lord keep revealing to me–that the purpose of my life belongs to You, not me.  Forgive me for all my Self-pity.  Help me Lord to make it my aim, to strengthen and encourage others in their faith. Make my love increase and overflow for others. Lord strengthen my heart so that I will be blameless and holy in the presence of God and Father when my Lord Jesus comes with all his holy ones.
Thank You for the Secrets to happiness:
Empty of my selfish desire and be Filled with Your  holiness!  Father…thank You for loving me enough to give me guidelines…Your word! Help me to understand it and for the Word to grow in me a love for Jesus and dependence on Jesus.  Father, Help me come to the place of realising my Need for You each day and to live dependent on You and not trying to live this life with my own power and effort.  In Jesus Name, Amen