Gods Franchise

We must not only be “hearers” of God’s Word, but “doers” also. When God brings someone to mind, be sure to follow through with whatever He tells you to do for that person.
“Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead…”James 2:17

May “The fruit of the Spirit” be bountiful and overflow in your life as an offering &  sweet fragrance to Jesus as you refresh others with His Agape Love.
*  “I…entreat you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing forbearance to one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”
Ephesians 4:2-3

Acts 1:8 says we receive the Holy Spirit so we may bear effective witness to those who need salvation.   People are Waiting for the Good News!!!

The Lord has united every born-again Christian by baptizing us all into the body of Christ. This is already a reality. Like it or not, want it or not, every Christian is completely one in spirit with every other Christian.

Failure to function as one, in our relationships with other believers means someone is not flowing in the Spirit.
Our flesh is the part of us that gets in strife with other believers. As we operate in the Spirit more and more, we will come more and more into unity with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Thinking out of the Box-Business Style!
*Earth is God’s business. He has set up many franchises (churches) designed to send His representatives (Body of Christ) into the world to make known the best product ever given to mankind (Jesus). His branch managers (pastors) have been given the responsibility to teach and support those in the field.

God’s goal is to establish a franchise (church) in every nation, state, and city. It is the ultimate business because when you introduce someone to His product (Jesus), you receive a reward from the home office (Heaven).
God has promised that His representatives will have all the tools and customer support needed to accomplish their strategic plans.

Jesus knew that He was to be about His Father’s business. He knew He was sent to earth not to enjoy the pleasures of lowly man, but to accomplish a task for which He alone was sent.
****When Jesus had accomplished His mission, He was to entrust this mission to other representatives into whom He poured His life for three years.
This field training allowed Jesus to mentor, model, befriend, and demonstrate firsthand the model for a successful business to be launched and sustained. “Earth is God’s business”

God has big plans for His franchise. He wants every human being to partake of His product; however, even God knows that not everyone will.
Nevertheless, this does not thwart His efforts in seeking to make it known among His audience.

You have been called to be part of the ultimate franchise. How many new recruits have you been responsible for bringing into the franchise lately?

Isaiah 53:5 But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed.

*It Seems that the Body(the Church) is constantly changing to keep up with man’s plan instead of God’s plan.
*The core of the church’s message should be”* God’s message, *Jesus death, and *Jesus Resurrection.
*Prosperity is not what’s important. ***Jesus experienced rejection, humiliation, loneliness, sadness, and so on. He understands how we feel, that’s why we call him the High Priest.

Jesus came as He did, born of a virgin, to be what He was, sinless. He was what He was, sinless, to do what He did, die for our sins. And He died for our sins so that He, being what He was, might make us what we were not: children of God! He was a special Lamb, a slain Lamb, a saving Lamb, “…Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us.” (1 Corinthians 5:7)

*God created us for Himself but we sold ourselves into slavery to the devil.
*If we’re only loving in order to change the other person or the circumstances, our motivation is totally wrong. That’s conditional human love, and not God’s Love at all.
If selfishness is motivating us, the fruit of our actions will be rotten.
*  “Love…does not seek its own…”
1 Corinthians 13:4-5

Lord help me to remember why we are doing what we are doing.  Why am I a Christian?   Thank You Jesus that I am here to be Christ’s servant, doing everything that You ask of me to the best of the ability You have Given to me. Help me see that by doing this I receive my individual reward, which = salvation. This is my vision, my focus for my individual journey as well as sharing this great message of Salvation with others for Your Glory and our Eternity!
To be Your servant is an act of obedience and needs action. Help us   speak of Jesus and not be ashamed! ” Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth”.   Amen

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