God Knows I’m Slipping!

The Bible says we are to love God and one another, but many Christians have little or no idea how to do that.
*  “…for the wishing is present in me, but the doing of the good is not.”
Romans 7:18

Psalm 94:18-19 When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your love, O LORD, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.
* When I feel that things are going right God is always there and I feel His love. when I feel anxious or worried He is there to bring me joy.
* I will know that God’s love is unfailing and in him I can find joy.

One thing I’ve always loved about the picture of God that we find in the Bible is this: that God is so Understanding and Patient with each one of us.
*God knows our weaknesses.
*God knows our frailties, and He does not ask of us that which we are not able to give.
*All He asks is that we give what we have – and beyond that, His grace supplies.
The psalmist here(Psalm 94:18-19) says, “My foot is slipping.” He was in a position where he was no longer in control. He couldn’t save himself, but he says with great gratitude, “Your love, O LORD, supported me.”
How often that’s true. When we come to the place where our foot is slipping, then God reaches out in His great love and mercy and He supports us and saves us.
*Then the psalmist says that “when anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.” **Again, that’s true to experience. In times of anxiety and fear and testing, God moves in with His consolation, and in spite of all the trouble that we may be passing through, His consolation brings joy to our soul.
In fact, it often happens that the greater the opposition, the greater the trouble, the greater the problem, the more Wonderful is the experience of joy that we receive from God’s consolation.
* NOTHING can touch us without it going through Gods fingertips. He is our Light, Salvation, Comfort, and Fortress.

The 4 Love’s we have!
The natural human loves inspired by friendship (phileo), family (storge), or romance (eros), are awesome blessings from our Creator, BUT Agape is the only love essential to human survival. Only God’s Divine Love can give us the Identity and Purpose we need to live life to the fullest.
* “If I have not (God’s) Love, I am nothing.” 1 Corinthians 13:2

We cannot learn techniques or methods to love like God. Only God is Love.
**”I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing.” John 15:5
*We know to live in Christ but we must learn that God is in us as well. Mutual abiding produces much fruit.
*We do not bear fruit for ourselves to eat but for others when we ABIDE in Him.
*We can do nothing without Him- but we can do ALL things through Him!

Jesus is the basis for our beliefs.  All that we are stems out of that belief.
Jesus calls us to follow Him, to learn his way, to share His Good News.
Many people are scared to put their complete Trust in something they cannot see and prove.
While these people may do many good works, they do not help further the Kingdom of God. (God’s way of doing things. Roman 14:17).
They are merely doing goods works to make themselves feel better.
Those that remain in close relationship with Jesus and are obedient will Reproduce more Christ-followers simply because people will be drawn to that which gives them strength and peace – Jesus Christ!!!!

Disciples of Christ are to bear much fruit, this to glorify the Father.

Dear God thank you for your unfailing love and the joy you bring in the toughest times. Help me to always remember that we have seasons of life and you always have a reason. I want to learn from trials in my life, help me to do that.  Lord, I want to be closer to you. I want to know You more.   I want my heart to yearn for Your Word every morning.  If I am to be effective in  ministry, I need to remain in close relationship with you.  When I do that, I am likely to hear with great clarity what the Lord has in store for me.  Jesus,  I cannot do anything of true value if I do not  grow in my relationship with You.  I will seek You daily and be obedient to Your call for my life- for Your Glory. Amen

***Jan. 24 at Christ Church at 7PM will be an informational meeting to kick off our NEW Moving Forward Group. Come for a great night of testimonials of “what God is doing in and through individuals.
**Revelation Bible study starting Jan 26. Go to web address below and go to calendar-scroll down to Thurs. And open  “Community Wide Bible Study”.