Feeling the Weight of the World?

When we feel the weight of the world resting on our shoulders, we can just go to the Lord. In Him, we will find all the rest and peace we need.
*Jesus promises His peace to all those who come to Him in trusting faith.

Jesus said, “Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will
give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30).

I have the tendency to cling to my problems searching for a solution. If I give them to God I will be free of the stress, find peace, and I know that God had the perfect solution.

A true yoke is designed to divide the load between two animals. One of those animals is the leader and the other follows the lead. God might be saying here ” you have been carrying your burdens by your self for a long time, put on my yoke and share your burdens with me.” And indeed God’s way and God’s perspective are always best and ease our lonely burden.(“learn of Me”)

Another part of the Goodness of God as we see here is His REST. He wants us to take the things that weigh us down, bring them to Him, give them to Him, and in return give us the peace to know that He’s in control of those things… thus allowing us to rest. (“learn of Me”)

Christ tells us very plainly: “Do not attempt to take on a walk with Me
until you are at rest in your soul!”

If you do not have this wonderful confidence in what the Word of God says Jesus did for you, His yoke will not be easy or light. On the contrary, you will spend your time striving in the flesh to please God. You will go from hot to cold, living with unnecessary guilt and shame.
*I find myself saying fairly often that God’s not moved by our sense of urgency He’s moved by our Faith in Him & His Word.
God’s not impressed when we strive for things He’s already blessed us with…and finally He’s also insulted by us trying to work so hard for something that’s free. (“learn of Me”)

The body of Christ is exhausted because we are so convinced that getting God to move on our behalf is like a dentist trying to pull a stubborn tooth.
None of us are resting in the Goodness of God because we are trying so hard to earn it.

I believe the key to this verse lies in the words “learn of me.” Jesus is
speaking here of the discipline of learning who He is and what He accomplished on the CROSS.
Jesus is saying, “You must have a knowledge of what I have done for you.
* When we’re striving for His Goodness.. we are working for something that’s available for free.
Then, once your soul is at rest, you can take on My yoke. So, learn of

We do not want this kind of discipline. We want to take the easy way! We are
like school children on the playground at recess who do not want to go back into the classroom.

Perhaps today you say, “I’m reading my Bible now and praying a little each day.
I’m trying hard to do better!” This is all good, but I assure you that these
things will not keep you through the coming storm.
*It is not enough to try hard, to make promises to God, to strive to be better. *Nor is it enough to say, “I’m more diligent than before.”
**No, it is all about going after a revelation of what Jesus did for you at the cross!

God’s yoke is that we follow his purpose for our lives, and when we do that, things work out a whole lot better. *When we go our own way in life, we hit one brick wall after another. In a sense, God says, “Put on my purpose, my plan for your life.”
* Jesus did not come to give you a burden but a blessing.

Enter the realm of the Spirit and ask what you will in faith. Do not hesitate or come with doubt or double-mindedness. Come expecting an answer, for Jesus will surely hear and answer your requests according to His purposes. Come to the Lord with purity of heart and exercise your childlike faith.
* James 1:2-8 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.

Give yourself a break today, and stop working so hard. Instead read Matthew 11:28-30 again.
I’m going to issue a challenge today…take just one thing that’s weighing you down, give it to God (and leave it in His hands by faith trusting Him to take care of that thing that’s weighing you down), and see if you don’t feel a little lighter. (“learn of Me”)
*There’s an old saying that if you don’t enjoy the peace & rest of God…you can return to your misery.
***Matt. 11:29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me….We have all had teachers, from elementary school thru college, and even mentors later in life. But here, we read that the God of this universe, the God who gives us breath to live this day, wants to be our teacher! That’s astounding! That is profound! The question is, will we listen? Are we willing to be taught by Him? Are we in his word on a daily basis so as to learn from Him?

You know you are healed when you can thank God for the pain and suffering of the Past. Then we can Move Forward in Life for God’s purposes not ours!

Something should cry out in all of us: Jesus, Your Word says I can live in
total rest, peace and security. I don’t have to strive in my flesh or be tossed
about by guilt or fear. You have set before me the promise of a life at rest,
but I don’t have that rest. Oh, Lord, I want Your rest with everything that’s
in me. Teach me by Your Spirit—I want to learn of You. Lord teach me to cast all my burdens on You. Let me take up Your cross and find true fulfillment and peace as I continue to Move Forward Trusting in YOU! In Jesus Name, Amen