Why Share Your Testimony
Our Awesome God has done great things. Let’s not keep it to ourselves!
Come and listen, all you who fear God, and I will tell you what he did for me.
(Psalms 66:16).
*WE are not mistakes, but put on the earth for a very specific purpose!
Testimonies proclaim God’s faithfulness, power, and glory to all who hear. God does wonderful and miraculous things in our lives, which are meant to be shared. Your testimony will bring God glory and encourage someone, which may lead them to a relationship with Christ. Don’t hide your light under a basket.
** Why Your Testimony?
*A time-honored, effective method of evangelism is “Your Personal Testimony”.
Just telling about your spiritual pilgrimage. The skeptic may deny your doctrine or attack your church, BUT he cannot honestly ignore the fact that Your Life(what Jesus has done for you) has been cleaned up and revolutionized
Now, I’m not talking about some stale, dragged-out verbal marathon. That kind of testimony never attracted anyone!
I’m speaking of an effective, powerful missile launched from your lips to the ears of the unsaved. Consider these five suggestions:
1. You want to be listened to, so be interesting. It’s a contradiction to talk about how exciting Christ really is in an uninteresting way. Remember to guard against religious clichés, jargon, and hard-to-understand terminology. Theologians, beware!
2. You want to be understood, so be logical. Think of your salvation in three phases and construct your testimony accordingly: (a) before you were born again—the struggles within, the loneliness, lack of peace, absence of love, unrest, and fears; (b) the decision that revolutionized your life; and (c) the change—the difference it has made since you received Christ.
3. You want the moment of your new birth to be clear, so be specific. Don’t be vague. Speak of Christ, not the church. Emphasize Faith more than Feeling. Be simple and direct as you describe what you did or what you prayed or what you said. This is crucial!
4. You want your testimony to be used, so be practical. Be human and honest as you talk. Don’t promise, “All your problems will end if you will become a Christian,” for that isn’t true. Try to think as unbelievers think. Remember where you and your thoughts once were.
5. You want your testimony to produce results, so be warm and genuine. A smile breaks down more barriers than the hammer blows of cold, hard facts. Let your “Enthusiasm” flow freely. It’s hard to convince someone of the sheer joy and excitement of knowing Christ if you’re wearing a face like a jail warden. Above all, be positive and courteous. Absolutely refuse to argue. Nobody I ever met was “arm wrestled” into the kingdom. Insults and put-downs turn people off.
Ask the Holy Spirit to open your lips and honor your words . . . but be careful! Once your missile hits the target, you’ll become totally dissatisfied with your Former Life as an earthbound, secret-service saint. You will want to tell the world!
1 John 5:9 Since we believe human testimony, surely we can believe the greater testimony that comes from God. And God has testified about his Son.
*God as true rests on His testimony. Believing what is true, we believe His testimony.
To be sentenced we must testify to the sin in our life. God in flesh and blood testified to the truth that can save us from being sentenced.
God’s Holy Spirit now stands as our testimony to the Truth. Convicting us of sin, but our testimony of Sin no longer holds up in God’s court if we accept the true testimony of Christ as our testimony. Jesus at the Cross set us Free!
Psalms 107:2 Has the LORD redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others he has redeemed you from your enemies.
*”Let the redeemed(means to restore to usefulness something that has been rendered useless) of the Lord say so…” No one else can say it like us. No one else can express like we can.
* We know He’s done a miracle on our behalf and has saved us from the clutches of the enemy and an eternity in darkness.
*Now we have joy. We have a newfound joy!!!
*Are you really excited about what God has done for You? Can you recall what an effort He made to redeem you?
* If so, say so. If it is real to you, say it and share it. Only those who truly know can say so.
” So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!” ( 2 Corinthians 5:20)
Dear Lord, please help us be a beacon and not hide that light you’ve given us. Help us represent you well as Ambassadors of Christ. Lord, help me to move forward and take action ; help me to remember to review everything and do it for You, but first, to take action! Lord let the Holy Spirit take all Fears and Lies out of my mind and then Guide and Teach me the words You want on my lips for your Glory and my joy. In Jesus name I pray. Amen