The dictionary definition of “depressed” is: “to press down” or “cause to sink.”
And, in fact, a depressed person feels that.
Can you imagine what it would be like to be plucked, pushed, crushed, pressed, skinned, and fermented?
OUCH! The pain! What’s the point of it
A lot of people feel that way about the pain they experience in relationships as well as their marriage.
“Why am I doing this?
Where is this relationship going?”
But just as a grape goes through a difficult process before it becomes a fine wine, sometimes our relationships and/or our marriage has to go through a painful process before it matures.
So often defeat is what is required before victory can be won. Jesus said that unless the seed dies and goes into the ground it cannot bring forth fruit (see Jn. 12:24).
The death of a vision is often required before the fulfillment can really take place.
*Have you failed at something in your life?
*Have you not seen the vision fulfilled you thought you were given?
* The vision may yet happen.
The disciples thought they suffered their greatest defeat when Jesus died on the cross.
* However, this defeat became the greatest victory on earth.
* Christ’s death gave liberty. *Forgiveness came to all men.
* New life came forth-new strength for the disciples.
*Resurrection and new life came as a result of a “defeat.”
*There are triumphant defeats that rival victories!
The people who have the best Relationships are NOT people who grew up well-adjusted, have healthy
adult lives, and normal parents. People like that usually have OKAY Relationships/ marriages.
The BEST Relationships/ marriages are with people who were crushed, who went through a painful process, and
who built their relationship from the ruins of broken hearts.
There’s an ancient song by King David, “Those who sow in tears will reap harvest in glad song.”
*And so it is that pain is often the preview to pleasure.
Best Example I believe is– Any woman who has experienced child birth can testify to this truth.
As I interact with more and more people I notice that very often the turning point in a Relationship as well as any problem — is when people usually hit rock bottom and have tried every option Themselves!!!
It’s not until they’ve been through the worst-give up self and have no option But to Trust God that things start to get better.
But the turnaround is NOT automatic. Just because you hit bottom, does NOT
mean you’ll bounce back.
**If you don’t make it happen, you’ll just crash. You have a Choice to make!
God’s way or MY way?
*In order to turn around, you have to take RESPONSIBILITY.
What does it REALLY mean to be responsible?
* A person who is responsible has the ABILITY to RESPOND.
* In other words, if you take response-ability for your relationship, problems and or your marriage, then your problem is not determined solely by what happens; it’s also determined by how you RESPOND to what happens.
*A responsible person is not a victim to their circumstances. They are the master of their fate.
How you respond to your circumstances today, WILL determine your circumstances tomorrow.
**YOUR actions will create your new Circumstances. You can turn sour grapes into a fine wine.
Start your Actions in prayer:
Prayer is the lifeblood of an intimate relationship with the Father.
* But believers often have questions about its power and effectiveness. *Don’t hesitate to Take your queries to the Lord, Dig into Scripture for answers, and Seek the counsel of a trusted spiritual mentor. Prayer is too important to neglect.
Do you need to repent? It is a call to follow him. Have you made this commitment to follow Jesus?
Be alert to situations and issues that will serve as a platform from which to deal with old mindsets that will not serve you well in your current journey to higher spiritual ground.
*Make a review of the things that the Lord is showing you in your current environment, but do so without allowing rejection or condemnation to cloud your vision.
*The enemy will do whatever he can to keep you from looking at things objectively and with clarity.
*But if you will see this time as being necessary for instruction leading to greater understanding instead of a personal attack against who you are, it will serve as a springboard to the next phase of your journey.
**Otherwise, it could just become a trap.
Mark 8:25 25 Then Jesus laid his hands on his eyes again; and he opened his eyes, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly.
The good news of the Gospel is that those who trust in Him have the same opportunity to be restored, and see everything clearly.
We are to take up our cross and follow Jesus!!
If we want life, liberty and happiness in the fullest sense, don’t pursue them directly.
We ought to pursue and trust Christ by taking up our own cross, and that is where life in the fullest will be found.
God, I’m SO amazed by your wisdom!! Jesus, I’m SO amazed by your humility and your absolute submission to the Father’s will!! Wow, thank you for revealing these truths to me. Please help me to live the way you have lived while you were still here, in humble submission to God’s will all the days of my life.
**See web page for Bible Study and come join us this Sunday(sept. 11th) at Twin Lakes Park, Nowthen for worship (10 to 12) and family fun and food (12-5). All are welcome. Questions email