Condition of Your Heart?
The Word of God cannot work in our lives unless we have receptive hearts!!
Whats the condition of your heart?
Is it the hard heart, the shallow heart, the crowded heart, or the fruitful heart.
Whatever the condition of your heart is, will affect how you will receive the Word of God.
Scripture tells us that, as new believers, we have “put on” Christ(Gal. 3:27). Although this begins in our hearts when we’re born again(JN 3:3), we must continually choose to “put on” Christ moment by moment throughout our lives. This is the process of sanctification.
* “…put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.”Ephesians 4:24
Throwing Seeds?
“But other seed fell on good ground and yielded a crop that sprang up, increased and produced: some thirty fold, some sixty, and some a hundred.” (Mark 4:8)
Good soil not only produces fruits, but also seed that falls on others and multiplies. True conversion will produce disciples.
The human heart is like receptive soil to the seed of the Word of God. Jesus used this analogy in the parable of the sower (see Mark 4:3-20).
The soil that the seed fell on represents:
1. Four categories of hearers’ hearts,
2. Four different reactions to the Word of God:
** the hard heart, the shallow heart, the crowded heart, and the fruitful heart.
First, there is the Hard Heart, the seed that falls along the roadside.
* This Represents people who hear the Word of God, but never really believe.
Then there is the Shallow Heart. That is the seed that falls on stony ground.
This signifies the people who hear the Word of God and receive it with joy, but because there is no root to sustain them, they wither.
Next, there is the Crowded Heart. That is the seed that falls on ground where weeds choke out its growth.
* Slowly and surely, these people, busy with the cares and riches of the world, just lose interest in the things of God.
Finally, there is the Fruitful Heart that receives the Word. The seed falls on good ground and the plants produce a rich harvest.
*We are the ones who determine what kind of soil our hearts will be.
*We decide whether we will have a hard heart, a shallow heart, a crowded heart, or a receptive heart.
This is exactly what James meant when he said, “Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls” (James 1:21).
The Word of God(seed) cannot work in our lives unless we have receptive hearts(soil condition)!!
*If you have a stony heart or a heart that is hard with little soil or a thorny or thistly heart, be encourage to till the fields and plow it to receive Gods rain and let his WORD produce what it was meant to.
So often defeat is what is required before victory can be won. Jesus said that unless the seed dies and goes into the ground it cannot bring forth fruit (see Jn. 12:24). The death of a vision is often required before the fulfillment can really take place. Have you failed at something in your life? Have you not seen the vision fulfilled you thought you were given? The vision may yet happen.
The disciples thought they suffered their greatest defeat when Jesus died on the cross. However, this defeat became the greatest victory on earth. Christ’s death gave liberty. Forgiveness came to all men. New life came forth-new strength for the disciples. Resurrection and new life came as a result of a “defeat.” “There are triumphant defeats that rival victories”
The power of the seed.
*Every seed requires cultivation, and to be nurtured in order to produce its fruit.
*The seed carries the ability to reproduce themselves.
*The seed means nothing until it is planted.
*The seed carries the DNA of its source.
*Everything that the seed requires to become all it can, is within the seed.
*Every seed carries a message or assignment.
*Every seed carries for the next generation.
*Seed must be sown, seeds grow in stages, plants must go through maturity, it is our responsibility to harvest.
2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.
I thank you Lord for your Holy Spirit that comforts me and reveals you Lord Jesus to me. I bless your Holy, Holy name today dear Lord and thank and praise you and worship you in Spirit and in Truth. Lord continue to till my field and plow it to receive Your rain and let Your WORD (Seed) produce what it was meant to for me this day. Glory and honor to you Lord. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
See web page for Bible Study and come join us this Sunday at Twin Lakes Park for worship (10 to 12) and family fun and food (12-5). All are welcome. Questions email