Need More Joy In Life?
Jesus lived His life… “ALL IN”!
To Do the will of the Father.
Philippians 2:2 I urge you, then, to make me completely happy by having the same thoughts, sharing the same love, and being one in soul and mind.
One of the signs that shows were close with God and enjoying his kingdom is that our life expresses JOY.
Nehemiah 8:10 – the joy of the Lord is your strength.…
Love is the root of JOY. A special JOY in self-sacrifice. JOY- committing to Christ instead of succumbing to trials. JOY- most elusive fruits for believers; equate happiness to joy but very different.…
I tell you the truth, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy (John 16:20).
We weep and cry over a lot of stuff, but when it comes to remembering what Jesus did on the cross – We hold it at a distance. We don’t often grieve over it, the pain is shallow. I wonder if what Jesus is saying here is that in the polarity of grief We can truly find joy on the flip side.
I mean when you connect with the sacrifice Jesus did dying, the loss of a friend, mentor, messiah, and then the time of grief, and then the resurrection. that leads to great joy, does your remembrance lead to that type of joy, I know mine often falls short of that, but I want that, oh do I want that.
We are always concerned about how long a trial is going to last and wondering why we have to go through it. Are these not the questions we inevitably ask whenever we have trouble–
“Why?” and “How long?”
But when Jesus answers the troubled disciples, He ignores the whole matter of time.
Jesus answer stresses the Process and the Result that is certain to follow.
Jesus isn’t concerned with the “Why?” and “How long?” but with the
“How?” and the “What?” He makes clear to them that a period of sorrow is inevitable.
Jesus cannot spare them from it. There will be a time when they will weep and lament and be in sorrow and when the world around will be rejoicing.
“But,” Jesus says, “your sorrow will be turned into joy.”
* How long it takes is not significant; the inevitable RESULT is the important thing.
Most of us assume that our sorrow is going to be replaced by joy. But the promise of Jesus is that the very thing that caused sorrow is also going to be the cause of joy.
That is a revelation of one of the great principles that marks authentic Christianity, one of the ways by which our Lord works in our life.
JESUS takes the very thing that causes us heartache and sorrow and turns it into a cause of joy.
You work in such wonderful ways, Lord. I trust that You will take that which brings sorrow in my life and make it a source of joy.
Do you focus on what is happening, or God’s promises?
God’s most wonderful promise came through the One who could be tempted yet sinless, Lion yet lamb, human yet God. God’s plan for redemption came through His one and only Son.
It just took one—one sacrifice, one resurrection, one hope for eternity. Humanity cried out for restoration and God responded by sending that One.
Make today the day that you live believing in that one thing happening—whether it is a sold sign in your yard or healing in a relationship;
* Turn to the Creator of all things with whatever is on your heart.
* Spend today reflecting on that one sacrifice He made on your behalf, because of His unfailing love for you. *Trust Him to do what is best for you—whatever His answer may be—and live in expectation of the abundant life He has promised.
Make time for the Lord in your busy schedule. Your ability to stay connected spiritually will produce peace, joy and good fruit in the face of overwhelming circumstances. Remember that you don’t have to accomplish enormous challenges all at once; you are well able to do one thing at a time, moment by moment and still succeed. Refuse the allow stress and pressure to steal your peace and joy.
Isaiah 26:12 LORD, You will establish peace for us, for You have also done all our works in us.
God can do what he wants and it is ALL good!
* There I will stand, by faith.
*There is some sight to it, but only when I keep my focus on Jesus alone.
Ecclesiastes 7:1414 When things are going well for you, be glad, and when trouble comes, just remember: God sends both happiness and trouble; you never know what is going to happen next.
This is a great reminder! We are always so happy to be thankful, faithful and generous when things are going well financially, but when the skids get put on (by God…) so many of us are quick to lose their thankfulness, faithfulness and generosity!!
Let’s remember Solomon’s wisdom – God brings prosperity as well as hard times. If we keep this in mind, we will be able to ‘enjoy’ poverty when it comes, realizing that God is allowing it for a reason…which is Best for US!
Dear Lord, help me to trust in You to send the answers I need. Help me to take my eyes off my circumstances and focus solely on You. Thank You for the sacrifice of Your precious Son so that I could have salvation. Lord help me Abide in You, in Your Word, in Worship and in Prayer. Help me Look past the pain and trials and Let YOUR JOY be my strength.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.