Walking in Light or Dark?

1 John 1:5-7
“This then is the message which we have heard of him and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.”

If we want to be where Jesus is, then we must walk in the light. God the Father
is light and in him there is no darkness. There is nothing hidden from God, he is
omnipresent-everywhere, omnipotent-all powerful, almighty and omniscient-all knowing, understanding and aware, therefore, there is nothing that our Almighty God the Father does not know.
1 John 2:9 The one who says he is in the light but still hates his fellow Christian is still in the darkness.

*God knows everything you say, everything you do openly or in secret.
*Again, there is nothing hidden from God, Nothing!

We cannot walk in darkness and claim the Lord. If we say that we have fellowship with the Lord and we do the things of the world we are walking in darkness and we lie and are not truthful.
James 4:4b says “whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.”

If you are walking in darkness you are a friend of the world and to be a friend of the world is to be an enemy of God.

Walk in the light, God is in the light and when we walk in  the light the blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ His son cleanses us from ALL sin.

Strive to be in the presence of the Lord. This walk is a daily walk,
*It is not a pray today and then don’t pray anymore for 3 days or 4 days.
*It is not a read the word of God Sunday and only Sunday walk.
** We must pray daily, we must read God’s word daily we must commune with the Lord DAILY, every day.
Would you skip days brushing your teeth? (I sincerely hope not). What I am telling you is more important than your teeth.
It is about your life, your eternal life your eternal home.

-Romans 1 declares that all men are without excuse because God’s eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen through what He has made.

-Romans 2:15 declares that these things are “written on the hearts” of man.

Therefore, there is a “natural” understanding of ethics that ALL humans  are privy to.

However, the fallen nature of man rejects that which is plain and written on our hearts in order that we may follow our OWN desires and to do so without condemnation or restraint.
We then create the notion of relativism to somehow make us believe that our selfishness is legitimate.

The bottom line here: yes there is a transcendent truth and a transcendent moral code that we all can know…but some times we believe the lie that- we don’t want to know it or follow it because we believe that happiness and satisfaction will come from following our own desires and plans.(What a lie).

Everyone has dark days. Dark days of disappointment. Dark days of distress. Dark days of doubt. Dark days of depression.
* How can Jesus dispel my darkness?       ****Listen for Jesus (lack of vision, not lack of faith)
1. He will encourage me when I’m disappointed.
2. He will strengthen me when I’m distressed.
3. He will guide me when I’m doubtful. 4. He will change me when I’m depressed.

John 8:12 Then Jesus spoke out again, “I am the light of the world. The one who follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
* Light overcomes darkness. When we allow “the light” to enter our life, all darkness and sin will be eradicated. Sin can NOT exist where God is in total control.
*Light shows us the path before us. Accepting “the light” in our lives brings a clearer understanding of our future path in life.
* God has important plans for each of us.
We need to surrender fully to his will and follow that clearly marked path wherever it may lead us.

Praise God! There is already Victory!
1 John 4:4 You are from God, little children, and have conquered them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.
*God IS greater than all the dark forces that try to mess with you!

“Come unto me, all ye [failures] that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).

Don’t be afraid of failure. Keep going in spite of it. Worship God until victory comes! This may sound like an oversimplification, but the way past.

Father I thank you. Lord I thank you for your love your kindness your mercy and your grace. Lord I thank you that you made a way for me to reach you through the blood of your dear son Jesus. I bless your holy name. I praise you I glorify you I honor you, I will walk in you. I will walk in the light.  I will flee to you Lord, I will not even look at darkness, I will not entertain thoughts of darkness, I will shun the dark like a plague. I will keep my eyes on you Lord I will not turn to the right. I will not turn to the left, but I will keep my gaze completely focused on you. Lord I ask that you will help me to remember and keep in the forefront of my mind that you Father are all seeing, all knowing and you are everywhere. Help me to keep in the forefront of my mind that you hear all that I speak and you see
all that I do. Help me Lord to do what is pleasing in your sight help me dear Lord
to speak what is right, what is true. Help me Lord to live, walk and talk your word.
Help me Lord to live a right life before you. I praise you Lord and lift you up,
I honor you today Lord and I do love you Lord and I will strive to be holy, for
your word says to me to be holy for you are holy. I want to be like you Lord Jesus.  Holy Spirit open up my Heart, Mind and Soul to hear everything you have for me in the word of God and then put into action for Your Glory and my Joy!
In Jesus name I pray. Amen

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