Are You A Leader?

What is  Leadership?  “Influence”!

Joshua 1:5 No one will be able to resist you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not abandon you or leave you alone.

Joshua was the man whom God appointed to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land. So he needed to go through a “leadership crash course.”
He learned seven important leadership principles that will help US be a great leader as well.

*You may wonder if this leadership devotional  would apply to your life?
*Maybe you think you are not a leader? *Or maybe you do not even want to be a leader because life for you is busy as it is?

When we look at John Maxwell’s definition of leadership,
***“Leadership is influence,”*** suddenly Everyone is a leader!

Everyone influences someone. You influence your children, your spouse, your colleagues or employees, your neighbors, the other people in your small group or in the ministry team you are part of.
So how can you be a good steward with the influence God has given you?
Here are some leadership principles we can glean from Joshua’s life:
1) A godly leader has learned how to serve: “Joshua had been Moses’ assistant from his youth” (Num 11:28).
2) A godly leader knows his mandate: God had already given the land to Joshua in the spiritual realm. Joshua needed to take into possession in the physical realm (Josh 1:3).

3) A godly leader is assured of God’s help: “No one will be able to stand against you as long as you live. For I will be with you as I was with Moses. I will not fail you or abandon you” (Josh 1:5).
4) A godly leader sets an example that others can follow.
Joshua had to be “strong and courageous” and set the right example in three areas:
a) By exercising leadership: “You are the one who will lead these people to possess all the land I swore to their ancestors I would give them” (Josh 1:6);
b) By reading God’s word and obeying it (Josh 1:7-8);
c) By not being afraid or discouraged (Josh 1:9).
5) A godly leader delegates:
After God gave Joshua the charge to take leadership, Joshua gave the charge to the officers of Israel to “go through the camp and tell the people to get their provisions ready. In three days you will cross the Jordan River and take possession of the land the Lord your God is giving you” (Josh 1:11).

6) A godly leader encourages teamwork and comradery:
Joshua made an appeal to the tribes who received their land on the east side of the Jordan River to help the other tribes take possession of the land on the west side of Jordan (Josh 1:14-15).

7) A godly leader knows that in the end it’s God’s battle:
Right before the conquest of Jericho, Joshua had this life-changing encounter with the “commander of the Lords army” (Josh 5:14). When Joshua asked him on which side he was, his or the enemy’s side, he said: “Neither one.” God is not a God of partiality. He does not choose sides against or for people. He asks us to choose side with him. It’s his battle!

These leadership principles can not only be found in the life of Joshua, but even more in Jesus’ life.
Read the Gospels! These are the characteristics of a godly servant-leader.
If we apply them in the Body today, both our church and the community around us will notice the difference!

Will you take your part as a person who influences other people?(If Gods with US it doesn’t matter who or what is against US).
Nothing can happen today, or any other day, that God isn’t aware of or in control of anything that he isn’t able to bring you through.
‘I will never leave you nor forsake you!’ Hebrews 13:5
Thank you Jesus for amazing me:
*I am amazed in my spirit when I read Your word.
* I am amazed that God will not fail and abandon me.
* I am amazed that no matter how strong or how ruthless my adversary may be, God is stronger and will favor and protect me.
* I am amazed that no matter how poorly others speak of me or think of me, God will protect my integrity and give me favor in my interactions with others.
*I am amazed that God, the creator of the universe, sent His one and only Son as a sacrifice for me so that He could shower me with more blessings, more protection, and speak even more tender words to my spirit. God, I am amazed by You!  Thank you for your love!

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